Search authors/title/abstract in `astro-ph' in all years (1992-2001) for occurrences of `galaxy cluster'
(222 matches, showing 101 to 200) :
Title: Extremely Red Objects in the Field of QSO 1213-0017: A Galaxy
Concentration at z=1.31
Michael C. Liu (1),
Arjun Dey (2),
James R. Graham (1),
Charles C. Steidel (3),
Kurt L. Adelberger (3) ((1) UC Berkeley, (2) NOAO, (3) Caltech)
Comments: 5 pages including 2 Postscript figures. To appear in the proceedings
of "The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High
Redshift," eds. Andrew Bunker and Wil van Breugel, ASP Conf. Series
(Berkeley, CA, June 1999)
Title: The X-ray Morphology of the Lensing Galaxy Cluster Cl0024+17
H. Böhringer (MPE, Garching),
G. Soucail (Observatoire Midi-Pyr\'en\'ees, Toulouse),
Y. Mellier (IAP, Paris),
Y. Ikebe (MPE, Garching),
P. Schuecker (MPE, Garching)
Comments: 8 pages, 4 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics in press
Title: Gravitational waves from galaxy cluster distributions
Vicent Quilis,
Jose M. Ibanez,
Diego Saez
Comments: 5 pages, 2 postscript figures, A&A LaTEX style, to be published in
Title: Density profiles and substructure of dark matter halos: converging
results at ultra-high numerical resolution
Sebastiano Ghigna,
Ben Moore (Durham, UK),
Fabio Governato (Brera-Merate, Milano),
George Lake,
Tom Quinn,
Joachim Stadel (Seattle, WA)
Comments: 19 pages, 13 figures, ApJ, in press. Text significantly clarified
Title: UV Imaging of the Galaxy Cluster CL0939+4713 (Abell 851) at z=0.41
Lucio M. Buson,
Francesco Bertola,
Michele Cappellari,
Cesare Chiosi,
Alan Dressler,
Augustus Oemler Jr
Comments: 20 pages, LaTeX, with 6 PostScript figures, Submitted to The
Astrophysical Journal, Figures 1 and 2 have lower resolution than the ApJ
submitted version
Title: Deconvolution of ASCA X-ray data: II. Radial temperature and metallicity
profiles for 106 galaxy clusters
D.A. White
Comments: MNRAS, accpeted. Postscript copy of paper and individual postscript
files for plots in Appendix B can be obtained from:
this http URL
Title: Reconstructing the Merger History of the A3266 Galaxy Cluster
Mark Henriksen,
R. Hank Donnelly,
David S. Davis
Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
Title: The Hubble Constant from Type Ia Supernovae in Early-Type Galaxies
Tom Richtler (1),
Georg Drenkhahn (2,1) ((1) AIU Bonn, (2) MPA Garching)
Comments: 26 pages, 8 figures, to be published in: Kundt W., van de Bruck C.
(Eds.) Cosmology and Astrophysics: A collection of critical thoughts. Lecture
Notes in Physics, Springer
Title: Detection of Iron Emission Line from the Galaxy Cluster Including the
Radio Galaxy 3C220.1 at z=0.62
Naomi Ota (1),
Kazuhisa Mitsuda (1),
Makoto Hattori (2),
Tatehiro Mihara (3) ((1) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, (2) Tohoku University, (3) Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Comments: 15 pages, 5 ps figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical
Title: The Effects of Gas Dynamics, Cooling, Star Formation, and Numerical
Resolution in Simulations of Cluster Formation
G. F. Lewis (UWash & UVic),
A. Babul (UVic),
N. Katz (UMass),
T. Quinn (UWash),
L. Hernquist (Harvard),
D. H. Weinberg (Ohio St.)
Comments: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Several
changes from previous version, including new material
Title: Differential Galaxy Evolution in Cluster and Field Galaxies at z=0.3
Michael L. Balogh (1),
S. L. Morris (2),
H. K. C. Yee (3),
R. G. Carlberg (3),
E. Ellingson (4) ((1) U. Victoria, (2) DAO, HIA, NRC (3) U. Toronto (4) CASA Colorado)
Comments: 37 pages, 30 figures, uses emulateapj.sty. Accepted by ApJ, June 28,
Title: Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity With the Abundance of High
Redshift Clusters
James Robinson,
Eric Gawiser,
Joseph Silk
Comments: Minor revisions to match published ApJ version, 14 pages emulateapj
Journal-ref: ApJ 532, 1, 2000
Title: Measurements of the UV Upturn in Local and Intermediate-Redshift
Thomas M. Brown (NOAO-NASA/GSFC)
Comments: 9 pages, Latex. 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of
"Spectrophotometric Dating of Stars and Galaxies," ed. I. Hubeny, S. Heap, &
R. Cornett, (San Francisco: ASP)
Title: The WARPS survey: III. The discovery of an X-ray luminous galaxy cluster
at z=0.833 and the impact of X-ray substructure on cluster abundance
H. Ebeling,
L.R. Jones,
E. Perlman,
C. Scharf,
D. Horner,
G. Wegner,
M. Malkan,
B. Fairley,
C.R. Mullis
Comments: 17 pages, 7 figures; revised to focus on possible detection biases
caused by substructure in clusters; accepted for publication in ApJ; uses
emulateapj.sty; eps files of figures 1 and 2 can be obtained from
this ftp URL
Title: Dark matter at viscous-gravitational Schwarz scales: theory and
Carl H. Gibson
Comments: 8 page original for Conference Proceedings Dark '96, Heidelberg, 4
figures, PDF file
Title: Determining the Hubble Constant from Ryle Telescope observations
Keith Grainge (1),
Michael E. Jones (1),
Guy Pooley (1),
Richard Saunders (1),
Alastair Edge (2),
Rudiger Kneissl (1) ((1) Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK (2) Dept of Physics, Durham, UK)
Comments: 9 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRAS
Title: Abell 521: Dynamical analysis of a young cluster
Comments: 13 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics
Title: The Asymptotic Collapsed Fraction in an Eternal Universe
Hugo Martel,
Paul R. Shapiro (Department of Astronomy, University of Texas)
Comments: 27 pages, including 5 figures. MNRAS Latex preprint format. Submitted
to MNRAS (March 1999)
Title: An X-ray Selected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.26
Piero Rosati (ESO),
S.A. Stanford (LLNL/UC-DAVIS),
Peter R. Eisenhardt (JPL),
Richard Elston (U. of Florida),
Hyron Spinrad,
Daniel Stern (UC-Berkeley),
Arjun Dey (NOAO)
Comments: To appear in The Astronomical Journal, 24 pages, 8 figures, 1 color
jpg plate (fig.7), see this http URL
Title: Galaxy Cluster Shapes and Systematic Errors in H0 Measured by the
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
Martin E. Sulkanen (X-Ray Astronomy Group, Space Sciences Laboratory, NASA/MSFC & Astronomy Department, University of Michigan)
Comments: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 24 March 1998;
4 pages, 2 figures
Title: RXTE and ASCA Constraints on Non-thermal Emission from the A2256 Galaxy
M. Henriksen
Comments: 8 pages, Astrophysical Journal (in press)
Journal-ref: 1999, ApJ, 511, 666
Title: The Mass Profile of the Coma Galaxy Cluster
M. J. Geller (1),
Antonaldo Diaferio (2),
M. J. Kurtz (1) ((1) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (2) Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik)
Comments: 9 pages, 1 figure, AAS Latex v4.0, ApJL, in press
Title: Microwave polarization in the direction of galaxy clusters induced by
the CMB quadrupole anisotropy
S.Y. Sazonov,
R.A. Sunyaev
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS
Title: Values of H_0 from Models of the Gravitational Lens 0957+561
Gary Bernstein,
Philippe Fischer (University of Michigan)
Comments: AASTEX, 48 pages 4 figures, 2 tables. Also available at:
this http URL
Title: A2111: A z=0.23 Butcher-Oemler Cluster with a Non-isothermal Atmosphere
and Normal Metallicity
Mark Henriksen,
Q. Daniel Wang,
Melville Ulmer
Comments: accepted by MNRAS
Title: The Velocity Dispersion of MS1054-03: A Massive Galaxy Cluster at High
Kim-Vy H. Tran (UC Santa Cruz),
Daniel D. Kelson (Carnegie Institute of Washington),
Pieter van Dokkum (Leiden Observatory),
Marijn Franx (Kapteyn Institute),
Garth D. Illingworth (UCO/Lick),
Daniel Magee (UCO/Lick)
Comments: 13 pages, 3 figures, LaTex; Accepted for Publication in the
Astrophysical Journal
Title: Galaxy Cluster Abundance Evolution and Cosmological Parameters
Pedro T. P. Viana (1),
Andrew R. Liddle (2) ((1) CAUP, Portugal, (2) Imperial College, UK)
Comments: 7 pages, LaTex using emulateapj.sty, to appear in the electronic
proceedings of the conference Cosmological Constraints from X-ray Clusters,
Strasbourg, France, Dec. 9-11, 1998
Title: Vorticity generation in large-scale structure caustics
C. Pichon (Basel)
F. Bernardeau (Saclay)
Comments: 25 pages 16 figures; accepted for publication by A&A vol 342 (1999)
Title: A New Weak Lensing Analysis of MS1224.7+2007
Philippe Fischer (University of Michigan)
Comments: AASTEX, 22 pages 9 figures. Also available at:
this http URL
Title: The Cluster SZ -- Mass Correlation
Christopher A. Metzler (University of Illinois and NASA/Fermilab Astrophysics Center)
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures. LaTeX2e, uses emulateapj.sty and onecolfloat.sty.
To be submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters
Title: Galaxy destruction and diffuse light in clusters
Carlos Calcaneo-Roldan (Durham),
Ben Moore (Durham),
J. Bland-Hawthorn (AAO),
David Malin (AAO),
Elaine M. Sadler (Univ. Sydney)
Comments: Replaced with version accepted by MNRAS (Dec. 1999): Added missing
reference (to pg. 4 & reference list). Section 3 shortened; removed three
figures. Now 8 pages long, with 8 figures. Low resolution images included,
high resolution version available at
this http URL
Journal-ref: Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 314 (2000) 324-333
Title: Towards an Understanding of the Globular Cluster Over--abundance around
the Central Giant Elliptical NGC 1399
Markus Kissler-Patig (1,2),
Carl J. Grillmair (3),
Georges Meylan (2),
Jean P. Brodie (1),
Dante Minniti (4,5)
Paul Goudfrooij (6) ((1) UCO/Lick Observatory, Santa Cruz (2) ESO, Garching (3) IPAC, Pasadena (4) Univ. Catolica, Santiago (5) LLNL (6) STScI/ESA, Baltimore)
Comments: AJ accepted (March issue), 27 pages (6 figures included), AAS style,
two columns. Also available at this http URL
Title: Detection of Iron Emission Line from the Galaxy Cluster Including the
Distant Radio Galaxy 3C220.1
Naomi Ota (1),
Kazuhisa Mitsuda (1),
Makoto Hattori (2),
Tatehiro Mihara (3) ((1) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, (2) Tohoku University, (3) Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Comments: 4 pages, 2 ps figures, submitted to Advances in Space Research
Title: 5 Poster Contributions in the MPA/ESO Conference "Evolution of
large-scale structure", Garching, August 1998
Xray group:
T. Akylas,
O. Giannakis
Comments: 16 pages, colour latex, colour figures
Title: Hints on Galaxy Formation from the Metal Content of Galaxy Cluster and
Other Fossil Evidence
Alvio Renzini
Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear on "The Birth of Galaxies", ed. B.
Guiderdoni et al. (Gif-sur-Yvette, Editions Frontieres)
Title: Closing in on Omega_0: The Amplitude of Mass Fluctuations from Galaxy
Clusters and the Lyman-alpha Forest
David H. Weinberg,
Rupert A. C. Croft,
Lars Hernquist,
Neal Katz,
Max Pettinini
Comments: Submitted to ApJ, 6 emulateapj pages w/ 2 postscript figs
Title: Towards Completing a Large Area ULIRG Survey
D.L. Clements,
W.J. Saunders,
R.G. McMahon
Comments: Accepted for publication in MNRAS
Title: X-ray observations of the rich cluster CL 0939+4713 and discovery
of the strongly variable source RXJ0943.0+4701
S. Schindler,
P. Belloni,
Y. Ikebe,
M. Hattori,
J. Wambsganss,
Y. Tanaka
Comments: 15 pages, including 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
Title: The central region of the Fornax cluster -- II. Spectroscopy and radial
velocities of member and background galaxies
M. Hilker (1),
L. Infante (1),
G. Vieria (1),
M. Kissler-Patig (2),
T. Richtler (3) ((1) PUC Santiago, Chile (2) UCO/Lick Obs., USA (3) Sternwarte Bonn, Germany)
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, uses aa.cls, including 9 PostScript figures;
accepted for publication in A&AS, also available at
this http URL
Title: The central region of the Fornax cluster -- I. A catalog and photometric
properties of galaxies in selected CCD fields
M. Hilker (1),
M. Kissler-Patig (2),
T. Richtler (3),
L. Infante (1),
H. Quintana (1) ((1) PUC Santiago, Chile (2) UCO/Lick Obs., USA (3) Sternwarte Bonn, Germany)
Comments: 15 pages, LaTeX2e, uses aa.cls, including 10 PostScript figures, 1
additional gif figure; accepted for publication in A&AS, also available at
this http URL
Title: Discovery of a New Quadruple Lens HST 1411+5211
Philippe Fischer,
David Schade,
Felipe Barientos
Comments: 11 pages including 1 postscript figure, aastex. Accepted to the ApJL.
Also available from:
this http URL
Title: Gravitational waves from galaxy clusters: a new observable effect
Vicent Quilis,
Jose Ma. Ibanez,
Diego Saez
Comments: 15 LaTEX pages, two postscript figures. To be published in The
Astrophysical Journal Letters
Title: The Formation of Giant Elliptical Galaxies and Their Globular Cluster
Patrick Cote (DAO & Caltech),
Ronald O. Marzke, (DAO & OCIW),
Michael J. West (Saint Mary's University & CITA)
Comments: 39 pages AAS Latex and 10 postscript figures. Also available at
this http URL Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical
Title: Unveiling the nature of the Cloverleaf lens-system: HST/NICMOS-2
J.-P. Kneib (OMP, Toulouse),
D. Alloin (CNRS and SAp CE Saclay),
R. Pello (OMP, Toulouse)
Comments: Submitted to A&A letters
Title: Can high energy neutrino annihilation on relic neutrinos generate the
observed highest energy cosmic-rays?
Eli Waxman (IAS, Princeton)
Comments: Submitted to Astropar. Phys. (11 pages, LaTeX)
Title: Observational Constraints for Power-law spectra of Density Perturbations
N.A. Arkhipova (Moscow State University),
V.N.Lukash (Astro Space Center),
E.V.Mikheeva (Astro Space Center)
Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Cosmoparticle Physics "Cosmion-97", Moscow, December 8-14,
1997; ed M.Yu.Khlopov
Title: X-ray Detection of the Primary Lens Galaxy Cluster of the Gravitational
Lens System Q0957+561
G. Chartas,
D. Chuss,
W. Forman,
C. Jones,
I. Shapiro
Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 25 pages, 9 figures
Title: Galaxy clusters at 0.3 < z < 0.4 and the value of \Omega_0
Pedro T P Viana,
Andrew R Liddle
Comments: 12 pages LaTeX file with six figures incorporated (uses mn.sty and
epsf). Matches accepted version. Minor changes to results. Includes new
fitting functions for \sigma_8, superseding those of Viana & Liddle 1996
Title: Kinematics of the southern galaxy cluster Abell 3733
J.M. Solanes,
P. Stein (U. of Barcelona, Spain)
Comments: AA-LaTeX2e style; 10 pages, 2 Postscript figures, Table 1 appended.
To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Also available at
this ftp URL
Title: High resolution optical and near-IR imaging of the quadruple quasar RX
I. Burud,
F. Courbin (Liege),
C. Lidman (ESO),
A. Jaunsen (Oslo),
J. Hjorth (NORDITA),
R. Ostensen (Liege),
M. Andersen,
J. Clasen (NOT),
O. Wucknitz (Hamburg),
G. Meylan (ESO),
P. Magain (Liege),
R. Stabell,
S. Refsdal (Oslo)
Comments: 11 pages + 2 color figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters
Title: ISO Mid-Infrared Observations of Abell 370
L. Metcalfe,
B. Altieri,
H. Aussel,
A. Biviano,
B. Mc Breen,
M. Delaney,
D. Elbaz,
L. Hanlon,
M. Kessler,
K. Leech,
K. Okumura,
B. Schulz,
J.-L. Starck,
L. Vigroux
Comments: LaTeX file, 3 ps figures, 6 pages
Journal-ref: In "Extragalactic Astronomy in the Infrared", 1997, G.A.Mamon et
al. eds
Title: Deep ISOCAM Observations of Abell 2218
B. Altieri,
L. Metcalfe,
A. Biviano,
K. Leech,
K. Okumura,
B. Schulz,
B. Mc Breen,
M. Delaney
Comments: LaTeX file and 4 ps figures - 4 pages Presented at the conference
"The Young Universe", Monteporzio, Sep. 97
Title: On the role of shock waves in galaxy cluster evolution
Vicent Quilis,
Jose Ma. Ibanez,
Diego Saez (Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofisica, Univ. de Valencia, Spain)
Comments: 28 pages, LaTex with aasms4.sty, 12 postscript figures, tared,gziped
and uuencoded. Accepted in ApJ
Title: Measuring Omega_0 using cluster evolution
V. R. Eke,
S. Cole,
C. S. Frenk,
J. P. Henry
Comments: 17 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS
Title: ASCA Observations of a Nearby and Massive Galaxy Cluster, Abell 3627
T.Tamura (1),
Y Fukazawa (1),
H.Kaneda (1,2),
K.Makishima (1),
M.Tashiro (1),
Y.Tanaka (2,3),
H.Bohringer (3) ((1) Uni.Tokto,Japan, (2) ISAS,Japan, (3) MPE, Germany)
Comments: 12 pages, 3 figures,accepted in PASJ 50 no.2
Title: A maximum-entropy method for reconstructing the projected mass
distribution of gravitational lenses
S. L. Bridle,
M. P. Hobson,
A. N. Lasenby,
Richard Saunders
Comments: Version accepted by MNRAS. New figure showing power spectrum and auto
correlation function of the residual map; other minor changes. 10 pages
including 9 figures
Title: Radio Emission towards Lensed Arcs in Galaxy Clusters
Asantha R. Cooray (U. of Chicago)
Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures
Title: Galaxy Clusters and Large Scale Structure at High Redshifts
Paul J. Francis (Australian National University),
Bruce E. Woodgate (GSFC),
Anthony C. Danks (Raytheon STX)
Comments: Invited talk to appear in "The Young Universe", proceedings of Rome
conference, ed. D'Odorico, Fontana and Giallongo. 8 pages, uses paspconf.sty
Title: The APM cluster-galaxy cross-correlation function : Constraints on Omega
and galaxy bias
Rupert Croft (Ohio State),
Gavin Dalton (Oxford),
George Efstathiou (Cambridge)
Comments: Latex (mn.sty), 17 pages, 16 ps figs, submitted to MNRAS
Title: Dark Matter Halos within Clusters
Sebastiano Ghigna (Durham),
Ben Moore (Durham),
Fabio Governato (Durham),
George Lake (Seattle),
Thomas Quinn (Seattle),
Joachim Stadel (Seattle)
Comments: LaTeX MN style, 20 pages, 30 figures included + 1 colour plot
Title: The Color-Magnitude Relation in CL 1358+62 at z=0.33: Evidence for
Significant Evolution in the S0 Population
Pieter G. van Dokkum,
Marijn Franx,
Daniel D. Kelson,
Garth D. Illingworth,
David Fisher,
Daniel Fabricant
Comments: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 20 pages, 12 figures. Full
version and plates available at this http URL
Title: Gravitational Lens Magnification and the Mass of Abell 1689
A.N. Taylor (1),
S. Dye (1),
T.J. Broadhurst (2),
N. Benitez (2),
E. van Kampen (3) ((1) IfA, Edinburgh, (2) Department of Astronomy, Berkeley, (3) Theoretical Astrophysics Center, Copenhagen)
Comments: 14 pages (Latex), 12 postscript figures included, accepted by ApJ
Title: A Spectroscopic Survey of the Galaxy Cluster CL 1358+62 at z=0.328
D. Fisher,
D. Fabricant,
M. Franx,
P. van Dokkum
Comments: 29 pages, 14 figures, uses aas2pp4, Accepted for publication in ApJ
Title: A deep ROSAT PSPC observation towards the CMB decrement close to
PC1643+4631 A & B: no cluster X-ray emission
Ruediger Kneissl,
Rashid A. Sunyaev,
Simon D.M. White (MPA)
Comments: 5 pages, 3 postscript files, submitted to MNRAS (letter),
contribution to the proceedings of the Particle Physics and Early Universe
Conference (PPEUC), University of Cambridge, 7-11 April 1997, at
this http URL
Title: Globular Cluster Halos around the brightest Fornax Ellipticals
Markus Kissler-Patig (UCO/Lick Observatory, UCSC)
Comments: 4 pages (incl. one postscript figure), uses psfig.sty and
paspconf.sty, to appear in the ASP conference series as workshop proceeding
of "Galactic Halos", ed. D.Zaritsky
Title: X-Ray Spectral Properties of the Cluster Abell 2029
Craig L. Sarazin,
Michael W. Wise,
Maxim L. Markevitch
Comments: ApJ, in press, 16 pages including 13 figures, formatted with
emulateapj Latex style
Title: Cluster mass estimation from lens magnification
Eelco van Kampen (Theoretical Astrophysics Center, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Comments: 4 pages including 1 figure, LaTex, using sprocl.sty (included), To
appear in proceedings "Large Scale Structure: tracks and traces", Potsdam
1997, World Scientific
Title: X-ray Wakes as Probes of Galaxy Cluster Dynamics
M.R. Merrifield (University of Southampton)
Comments: 6 pages, LaTeX, including 2 figures, using mn and epsf style files.
Accepted for publication in MNRAS
Title: An IR-Selected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.27
S.A. Stanford (LLNL),
Richard Elston (U. of Florida),
Peter Eisenhardt (JPL),
Hyron Spinrad,
Daniel Stern (UC-Berkeley),
Arjun Dey (NOAO)
Comments: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal; 22 pages, 6
figures; corrected title
Title: Eulerian bias and the galaxy density field
Bob Mann (Imperial College),
John Peacock (ROE),
Alan Heavens (Edinburgh)
Comments: 14 pages, LaTeX (using mn.sty, epsfig), 17 Postscript figures
included. Accepted for publication in MNRAS
Title: X-ray structures in galaxy cluster cores
Marguerite Pierre (CEA-Saclay),
Jean-Luc Starck (CEA-Saclay)
Comments: 26 pages, 16 figures, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics figures
5,6,7 are separated
Title: X-ray analysis of Abell 2634 and its central galaxy 3C465
Sabine Schindler,
M. Almudena Prieto
Comments: 11 pages, including 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
Title: The Galaxy Cluster Luminosity-Temperature Relationship and Iron
Abundances - A Measure of Formation History ?
C. A. Scharf (GSFC/Umd),
R. F. Mushotzky (GSFC)
Comments: 13 pages Latex, 2 figures, postscript. Accepted for publication in
ApJ Letters
Title: Modelling the Cloverleaf: Contribution of a Galaxy Cluster at z~1.7
J.-P. Kneib,
D. Alloin,
Y. Mellier,
S. Guilloteau,
R. Barvainis,
R. Antonucci
Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures, A&A in press
Title: Density estimation with non-parametric methods
Dario Fadda (1),
Eric Slezak (2),
Albert Bijaoui (2) ((1) Astronomy Dept. of Trieste University and SISSA - Italy, (2) Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur - France)
Comments: 21 pages, LaTeX2e file with 9 figures and 2 tables (automatically
included) - To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Title: A catalogue of galaxy cluster models
Eelco van Kampen (Leiden, ROE),
Peter Katgert (Leiden)
Comments: 24 pages, TeX with special macros included, postscript version also
available at this http URL or
this http URL; MNRAS, in press
Title: The Mass distribution of the Most Luminous X-ray Cluster RXJ1347.5-1145
from Gravitational Lensing
Philippe Fischer,
J. Anthony Tyson
Comments: 21 Pages LaTeX, AASTEX version 4 macros, Accepted for publication in
the AJ. 8 of 12 figures included, full paper at
this http URL
Title: A Group of Red, Ly-alpha Emitting, High Redshift Galaxies
Paul J. Francis (Melbourne),
Bruce E. Woodgate (GSFC),
Anthony C. Danks (Hughes STX)
Comments: 12 pages, 2 figures, uses aaspp4 style file. Accepted for publication
in Astrophysical Journal Letters
Title: Galaxy Clusters in Cosmology: Cluster Abundance as a Probe of Structure
James G. Bartlett (Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg)
Comments: Course given at ``From Quantum Fluctuations to Cosmological
Structures'', Casablanca, Dec. 1996. 22 pages, with figures and a problem set
included. Problem with Fig 6 has been corrected
Title: Clusters of Galaxies and Mass estimates
R. Sadat (Observatoire de Strasbourg)
Comments: 18 pages, 7 figures to appear in the Proceedings of the International
School in Astrophysics: "From Quantum Fluctuations to Cosmological
Structures" held in Casablanca, Morocco, December 1 - 10, 1996
Title: Butcher & Oemler Cluster A2111: A Head-on Merger at z = 0.23
Q. Daniel Wang,
Melville Ulmer,
Russell J. Lavery
Comments: To be published in MNRAS, 16 pages, plus 13 figures in the GIF or
jpeg format (uuencoded). Black & white postscript files of the figures are
available at this http URL
Title: A2125 and its Environs: Evidence for an X-ray-emitting Hierarchical
Q. Daniel Wang,
Andrew Connolly,
Robert Brunner
Comments: Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 13 pages, plus 6
figures in the jpeg or GIF format. Black & white postscript plots
are available at this http URL
Title: On the Nature of the Strong Emission-Line Galaxies in Cluster Cl
0024+1654: Are Some the Progenitors of Low Mass Spheroidals?
David C. Koo (1),
Rafael Guzman (1),
Jesus Gallego (1),
Greg D. Wirth (2) ((1) Lick Observatory, University of California, Santa Cruz, (2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria)
Comments: 14 pages + 2 figures + 1 table, LaTeX, Acc. for publ. in ApJL also
available at this http URL
Title: The richness dependence of galaxy cluster correlations: Results from a
redshift survey of rich APM clusters
Rupert A. C. Croft (Ohio State),
Gavin B. Dalton,
George Efstathiou,
Will Sutherland (Oxford),
Steve Maddox (RGO)
Comments: MNRAS submitted, 9 pages, LaTeX (mn), 7 figures. Also available at
this http URL
Title: The Entropy-Driven X-ray Evolution of Galaxy Clusters
Richard G Bower (University of Durham)
Comments: 9 pages Tex including 4 postscript figures. To be appear in MNRAS.
minor miss-quote corrected
Title: Detection of a Small Scale Cosmic Background Anisotropy at 3.6 cm
E. A. Richards (NRAO & University of Virginia)
E. B. Fomalont,
K. I. Kellermann (NRAO)
R. B. Partridge (Haverford College)
R. A. Windhorst (Arizona State University)
Comments: 12 pages +3 figures, submitted to Astronomical Journal
Title: Redshift Evolution of Galaxy Cluster Densities
R. G. Carlberg,
S. L. Morris,
H. K. C. Yee,
E. Ellingson
Comments: Revised version accepted for publication in ApJLetts. 10 pages. Also
available at this http URL
Title: The Dynamical Equilibrium of Galaxy Clusters
Carlberg, Yee,
Hutchings, Oke
Comments: Submitted for publication in ApJLetts. 12 pages as a uufile, also
available at this http URL
Title: Intergalactic stars in the Fornax Cluster
Tom Theuns (Oxford University),
S. J. Warren (Imperial College London)
Comments: 5 pages, latex (mn.sty), 3 figures (figure 1 is a jpeg image), to be
published by MNRAS
Journal-ref: MNRAS 284, L11 (1997)
Title: Sensitivity of Galaxy Cluster Morphologies to Omega_0 and P(k)
David A. Buote (IoA, Cambridge),
Guohong Xu (UC Santa Cruz)
Comments: 37 pages (15 figures), AASTeX manuscript with postscript figures,
full resolution of figures 1-3 available upon request, To appear in MNRAS.
(Abstract modified and shortened.)
Title: Merger Rate of Equal-Mass Spherical Galaxies
Junichiro Makino,
Piet Hut
Comments: To appear in ApJ (May 20, 1997 issue) 22 pages, 14 figures,
Postscript (or GIF) version available at
this http URL or
this http URL
Title: Testing Cosmological Models With A $\lya$ Forest Statistic: The High End
Of The Optical Depth Distribution
Renyue Cen (Princeton University Observatory)
Comments: ApJ Letters, in press, substantial changes have been made from the
last version
Title: The Observational Consequences of Merging Clusters of Galaxies
Kurt Roettiger (1),
Jack O. Burns (2),
Chris Loken (2) ((1) UMd, (2) NMSU)
Comments: 42 pages, Latex, 23 postscript figures, Accepted for publication in
Title: Globular cluster systems of early--type galaxies in Fornax
M. Kissler-Patig (1,2),
S. Kohle (2),
M. Hilker (2),
T. Richtler (2),
L. Infante (3),
H. Quintana (3) ((1) ESO, Garching, (2) Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, Germany, (3) Universidad Catolica, Chile)
Comments: 12 pages (including 11 .ps figures), A&A style, accepted for
publication in A&A, also available at
this http URL
Title: ROSAT/HRI study of the optically rich, lensing cluster CL0500-24
Sabine Schindler,
Joachim Wambsganss
Comments: 7 pages, including 5 figures, submitted to A&A
Title: An Optical/X--ray Study of A576, a Galaxy Cluster with a Cold Core
Comments: 34 pages postscript, accepted for publication in ApJ
Title: Hydrodynamic Simulations of Galaxy Formation
Giuseppe Tormen (MPA Garching - IoA Cambridge)
Comments: uuencoded gzipped latex file, 8 pages with 2 figures. Invited talk to
appear in the Proceedings of the XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond "Dark Matter in
Cosmology, Quantum Measurements, Experimental Gravitation" held in Les Arcs,
January 1996. Editions Frontieres
Title: Abell 3627: A Nearby, X-ray Bright, and Massive Galaxy Cluster
Hans Böhringer,
Doris M. Neumann,
Sabine Schindler,
Renee C. Kraan-Korteweg
Comments: 14 pages, Latex file, including aaspp.sty, 9 postscript figures and 1
table, accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journal
Title: Quasar Radio Structure in Cluster Environments
J. B. Hutchings,
A. C. Gower,
S. Ryneveld,
A. Dewey
Comments: Astronomical Journal (in press), 13 pages (latex), 10 postscript
figures, 3 tables (latex)
Title: The amplitude of the initial density fluctuation spectrum from lensing
Eelco van Kampen (Royal Observatory Edinburgh, U.K.)
Comments: 6 pages including 3 figures, gzip'ed and uuencoded Postscript, To
appear in proceedings "Mapping, Measuring and Modelling the Universe",
Valencia 1995, eds. P. Coles and V. Martinez
Matches 101 to 200 from a total of 222 matches for the search pattern galaxy cluster
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matches ,
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