Search authors/title/abstract in `astro-ph' in all years (1992-2001) for occurrences of `galaxy evolution '
(158 matches, showing 101 to 158) :
Title: The Kinematic Composition of MgII Absorbers
Jane C. Charlton,
Christopher W. Churchill
Comments: 34 pages including 14 postscript figures; Accepted by the
Astrophysical Journal; URL this http URL
Title: Cosmic Star Formation and Type Ia/II Supernova Rates at high z
R. Sadat,
A. Blanchard,
B. Guiderdoni,
J. Silk
Comments: 4 pages, Latex, 4 figures, submitted to A&A Letters
Title: ``E+A'' Galaxies: Environment and Evolution
Ann I. Zabludoff (UCSC/Lick Obs.)
Comments: 7 pages, 3 PS figures, LaTeX, uses crckapb.sty. To appear in
proceedings of IAU Symp. 186, "Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift",
ed. D.B. Sanders (Kluwer, Dordrecht), 1998
Title: Omega_M and the CNOC Surveys
R.G. Carlberg,
H.K.C. Yee,
H. Lin,
M. Sawicki,
C.W. Shepherd,
E. Ellingson,
S.L. Morris,
D. Schade,
J.E. Hesser,
J. B. Hutchings,
J. B. Oke,
D. Patton,
G. Wirth,
M. Balogh,
F.D.A. Hartwick,
C. J. Pritchet,
R. Abraham,
T. Smecker-Hane
Comments: To appear in the 12 th Postdam Cosmology Workshop, "Large Scale
Structure: Tracks and Traces", ed. V. Mueller, World Scientific 1998 also
available at
this http URL
Title: Do cluster galaxies have extended dark halos?
Priyamvada Natarajan (IoA, Cambridge)
Comments: 4 pages LaTeX using sprocl.sty + 2 figures. To appear in the 12 th
Postdam Cosmology Workshop, "Large Scale Structure: Tracks and Traces", World
Scientific 1998
Title: Semi-analytic modelling of galaxy evolution in the IR/submm range
B. Guiderdoni (IAP),
E. Hivon (TAC),
F.R. Bouchet (IAP),
B. Maffei (QMW)
Comments: 21 pages, Latex, 20 postscript figures, accepted for publication in
Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc
Title: Cloning Hubble Deep Fields: A Model-Independent Measurement of Galaxy
Rychard J. Bouwens,
Tom Broadhurst,
Joseph Silk (UC Berkeley)
Comments: This preprint has been withdrawn by the authors to make room for the
two papers in which its content is now published: astro-ph/9810395 and
Title: The chemical evolution of galaxies causing damped Ly$\alpha$ absorption
Ulrich Lindner,
Uta Fritze-v. Alvensleben,
Klaus J. Fricke (Universit"atssternwarte, G"ottingen, Germany)
Comments: 2 pages Latex, 1 POSTSCRIPT figure, using psfig and conf_iap.sty To
appear in Proceedings of 13th IAP (Paris) Colloquium, (July 1-5, 1997)
Structure and Evolution of the IGM from QSO Absorption Lines, ed. P.
Petitjean, S. Charlot
Title: Bursting dwarf galaxies from the far-UV and deep surveys
Michel Fioc,
Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
Comments: 4 pages, 6 figures, uses mn.sty and psfig.sty, submitted to MNRAS as
a letter
Title: A new scenario of galaxy evolution under a universal IMF
C. Chiosi,
A. Bressan,
L. Portinari,
R. Tantalo
Title: HDF: Introduction and Motivation
Richard S Ellis
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX with CUP Conference Proceedings Macros, 6 embedded
postscript figures (one in colour). To appear in `The Hubble Deep Field', ed
M. Livio, STScI Symposium Series
Title: A Differential Volume-Redshift Test
R. G. Carlberg
Comments: Submitted to ApJ. Also available at
this http URL
Title: Deep Near-Infrared Surveys --- Understanding Galaxy Evolution at z>1
K. Glazebrook
Comments: 10 pages, 9 figures (conference proceedings - review talk)
Title: Rugate filters for OH-suppressed imaging at near-infrared wavelengths
A.R. Offer,
J. Bland-Hawthorn (AAO)
Comments: 13 pages; Latex; 11 encapsulated postscript figures; submitted to
Title: Number counts and redshift distribution of gravitational arclets as a
probe of galaxy evolution
J. Bezecourt,
R. Pello,
G. Soucail (Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse)
Comments: 15 pages, 14 postscript figures, submitted to Astronomy and
Title: The Hubble Deep Field and the Early Evolution of Galaxies
Piero Madau (STScI)
Comments: 24 pages, 12 figures, LaTeX with PASP "paspconf" style file. Review
Presented at the 1997 7th International Origins Conference, Estes Park, CO
Title: The contribution of galaxies to the IR background
B. Guiderdoni (IAP),
E. Hivon (TAC),
F.R. Bouchet (IAP)
Comments: 10 pages, Latex, 8 postscript figures, to appear in "Extragalactic
Astronomy in the IR", G. Mamon, T.X. Thuan and J. Tran Thanh Van (eds),
Editions Frontieres
Title: Measuring the Angular Correlation Function for Faint Galaxies in High
Galactic Latitude Fields
David Woods,
Gregory G. Fahlman (University of British Columbia)
Comments: LaTeX (aaspp4.sty), 54 pages including 15 postscript figures; 3
additional uuencoded, gzipped postscript files (~300 kb each) of Figs. 1, 2
and 3 available at this ftp URL ; To be published in the
Nov. 20, 1997 issue of The Astrophysical Journal
Title: Models of Galaxy Evolution from the UV to the Sub-Millimeter
Gian Luigi Granato,
Laura Silva,
Lugi Danese,
Alessandro Bressan,
Alberto Franceschini,
Cesare Chiosi
Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure, in ESA FIRST symposium (ESA SP 401)
Title: Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts and Evolution of Galaxies
Tomonori Totani (The University of Tokyo)
Comments: ApJ Lett. in press, very minor change just making clear that the
predicted rate-density evolution is in a comoving sense. (Received 1997 May
15; Accepted 1997 July 2)
Journal-ref: Astrophys.J. 486 (1997) L71
Title: The Norris Survey of the Corona Borealis Supercluster: II. Galaxy
Evolution with Redshift and Environment
Todd A. Small (IoA, Cambridge),
Wallace L.W. Sargent (Caltech),
Donald Hamilton (MPIA, Heidelberg)
Comments: 28 pages plus 18 pages of figures; accepted for publication in ApJ
Title: Evolution of the Luminosity Density in the Universe: Implications for
the Nonzero Cosmological Constant
T. Totani,
Y. Yoshii,
K. Sato (Univ. of Tokyo)
Comments: 11 pages including 3 figures, LaTeX, uses AASTeX. To Appear in ApJ
Journal-ref: Astrophys.J. 483 (1997) L75
Title: Evolution of the morphological luminosity distributions within rich
clusters (0.0 < z < 0.55)
S.P.Driver (UNSW),
W.J.Couch (UNSW),
S.C.Odewahn (ASU),
R.A.Windhorst (ASU)
Comments: A contributed article to appear in the proceedings of the 18th Texas
Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Title: The CNOC Cluster Survey: Omega, sigma_8, Phi(L,z) Results, and Prospects
for Lambda Measurement
R. G. Carlberg,
H. K. C. Yee,
H. Lin,
C. W. Shepherd,
P. Gravel,
E. Ellingson,
S. L. Morris,
D. Schade,
J. E. Hesser,
J. B. Hutchings,
J. B. Oke,
R. Abraham,
M. Balogh,
G. Wirth,
F. D. A. Hartwick,
C. J. Pritchet,
T. Smecker-Hane
Comments: to appear in Ringberg Workshop on Large-Scale Structure (ed. D.
Hamilton) 14 pages, also available at
this http URL
Title: The Nature of Compact Galaxies at z=0.2-1.3: Implications for Galaxy
Evolution and the Star Formation History of the Universe
R. Guzman,
A.C. Phillips,
J. Gallego,
D.C. Koo,
J.D. Lowenthal
Comments: 6 pages, LaTeX (needs lamuphys.sty, included), 6 figures. To appear
in the proceedings of the 3rd ESO-VLT Workshop on ``Galaxy Scaling
Relations'', eds. da Costa et al., Springer. Also available at
this http URL
Title: Constraints on Galaxy Evolution and the Cosmological Constant From
Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers
Eric Woods,
Abraham Loeb (Harvard Univ.)
Comments: 21 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ
Title: Hidden Galaxies Revealed
Greg Bothun,
Chris Impey,
Stacy McGaugh
Comments: invited review for PASP; 36 pages + 8 figures
Title: Cosmic Star Formation History
Piero Madau
Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX with AIP "aipproc" style file. Review
Presented at the 1996 7th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Maryland,
``Star Formation Near and Far''
Title: Dynamical Stability and Galaxy Evolution in LSB Disk Galaxies
Chris Mihos (JHU),
Stacy McGaugh (DTM),
Erwin de Blok (Groningen)
Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX using AIP "aipproc" style file, to be
published in the proceedings of the 1996 October Conference "Star Formation
Near and Far"
Title: Galaxy evolution at low redshift? II. Number counts and optical
identifications of faint IRAS sources
E. Bertin (IAP, Sterrewacht Leiden),
M. Dennefeld (IAP),
M. Moshir (IPAC)
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX, l-aa.sty, accepted in A&A
Title: Clusters of Galaxies as a Storage Room for Cosmic Rays
V.S. Berezinsky,
P. Blasi,
V.S. Ptuskin
Comments: Revised version. Conclusions unchanged. Accepted for publication in
The Astrophysical Journal
Title: Spectroscopic properties, spatial and luminosity distributions of the
UCm survey galaxies
J. Gallego (Lick Observatory UCSC, Universidad Complutense de Madrid),
J. Zamorano,
M. Rego,
A.G. Vitores (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Comments: 13 pages, latex, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ
(Feb 97). Uses aas2pp4.sty. Also available at
this http URL
Title: Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies up to z=1
R. Bender,
R.P. Saglia,
B. Ziegler (Universit\"atssternwarte M\"unchen)
Comments: Latex, 8 pages, 2 Postscript figures and lamuphys.sty included, to
appear in proceedings of ESO workshop "The Early Universe with the VLT", eds.
J. Bergeron et al., Springer
Title: The Luminosity Function of Field Galaxies in the CNOC1 Redshift Survey
H. Lin,
H. K. C. Yee,
R. G. Carlberg (Univ. of Toronto),
E. Ellingson (Univ. of Colorado)
Comments: 22 pages, including 6 postscript figures, uses AASTEX v4.0 style
files. Corrected minor typos and updated references. Results and conclusions
unchanged. Final version to appear in the Astrophysical Journal
Title: Wide Field Spectroscopy and the Universe
Matthew Colless
Comments: To appear in the proceedings of the Athens conference on `Wide Field
Spectroscopy', eds Kontizas M. & Kontizas E., Kluwer, in press, 13 pages
(LaTeX text + 4 EPS figures)
Title: The Hubble Deep Field: Observations, Data Reduction, and Galaxy
Robert E. Williams,
the HDF team
Comments: 37 pages, XX PostScript figures, uses aaspp4.sty astrobib.sty.
(Astrobib is available from this http URL .) To
appear the Astronomical Journal. More info on the Hubble deep field can be
found at this http URL . More figures
(images) can be found at
this http URL and the full
source catalog is available at
this http URL
Title: Redshift survey of gravitational arclets in Abell 2390
J. Bezecourt,
G. Soucail (Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse)
Comments: 10 pages, Latex with 10 postscript figures, accepted by Astronomy and
Astrophysics, postscript file also available by anonymous ftp at
this ftp URL or upon request at
Title: Galaxy Evolution in Abell 2390
R. G. Abraham,
T. A. Smecker-Hane,
J. B. Hutchings,
R. G. Carlberg,
H. K. C. Yee,
E. Ellingson,
S. Morris,
J. B. Oke,
M. Rigler
Comments: AAS LaTeX source (a2390.tex), 19 Encapsulated PostScript figures
(Figure_*.tex), and 3 plano tables (Table_*.tex). Two figures (Figures 2 and
10) are large and have been reduced to low-resolution bitmaps to conserve
bandwidth. A copy of the paper (1.5 MB gzipped tar file) with full-size
figures is available at
this ftp URL
Title: Implications for optical identifications of QSO absorption systems from
galaxy evolution models
Ulrich Lindner,
Uta Fritze - von Alvensleben,
Klaus J. Fricke (Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen, Germany)
Comments: 2 pages LaTeX uses lamuphys.sty, 1 POSTSCRIPT figure included, poster
presented at the ESO Workshop ``The Early Universe with the VLT'' April 1-4,
1996, the full poster is available at
this http URL or at
this ftp URL
Title: Optically identified QSO absorption systems and galaxy evolution
Ulrich Lindner,
Uta Fritze - von Alvensleben,
Klaus J. Fricke
Comments: 15 Pages, A&A plain TeX with figures included, also available on
request or at this http URL or anonymous
ftp at this ftp URL
Title: Color Evolution from z=0 to z=1
Karl Rakos,
James Schombert
Comments: 25 pages, AAS LaTex, paper was published in ApJ last year, but is
being posted here to satisify numerous requests for the figures
Title: Galaxy evolution at low redshift? -- I. Optical counts
Emmanuel Bertin,
Michel Dennefeld (IAP, France)
Comments: Latex, 13 pages, 21 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in
Astronomy & Astrophysics. l-aa.sty added, and problem for printing some
figures corrected
Title: Interacting and Merging Galaxies
Uta Fritze - von Alvensleben
Comments: 14 pages, LaTeX, no figures, to appear in: ''From Stars to
Galaxies'', eds. C. Leitherer, U. Fritze - von Alvensleben, J. Huchra,
Minor revisions: NGC 3597 (not 3596), 2nd nucleus in M31: 2pc (not 2 kpc)
Title: The Optical Identification of a Primeval Galaxy at z >~ 4.4
Adriano Fontana,
Stefano Cristiani,
Sandro D'Odorico,
Emanuele Giallongo,
Sandra Savaglio
Comments: 5 pages, 1 b/w + 1 color Postcript figure (6.5 Mb after
decompression). Uses mn.sty (included). To appear in MNRAS Letters
Title: Does There Really Exist the Problem of the Dark Matter in Spiral
A.S.Zhedanov (DPTI, Donetsk, Ukraine)
Comments: 10 pages, standard LaTeX, figures are available from the Authors upon
Title: Spectrum of the Supernova Relic Neutrino Background and Evolution of
Tomonori Totani,
Katsuhiko Sato,
Yuzuru Yoshii (the University of Tokyo)
Comments: 25 pages, uuencoded gziped postscript, including all figures.
Accepted in ApJ. The preprint is also availale on
this http URL
Journal-ref: Astrophys.J. 460 (1996) 303-312
Title: Some Constraints on Galaxy Evolution Imposed by the Specific Frequency
of Globular Clusters
Sidney van den Bergh
Comments: 21 pages and 2 figures as uuencoded compressed Postscript. Also
available at this http URL
Title: The Nature and Evolution of Absorption-Selected Galaxies
C. Steidel (Caltech)
Comments: 14 pages, uuencoded, compressed postscript (includes figures). Review
talk given at the ESO Workshop on QSO Absorption Lines, November 1994
Title: Slicing Through Multicolor Space: Galaxy Redshifts From Broadband
A.J. Connolly,
I. Csabai,
A.S. Szalay,
D.C. Koo,
R.G. Kron,
J.A. Munn
Comments: 20 Pages, 6 figures; uuencoded, compressed, postscript files.
Accepted for publication in AJ. Figure 1 (color JPEG file) and paper are
available on this http URL
Title: The Morphological Evolution of Galaxies
R.S. Ellis
Comments: gzipped postscript. The preprint is also available at
this http URL
Title: The CANADA-FRANCE REDSHIFT SURVEY VI: Evolution of the galaxy luminosity
function to z ~ 1
S.J. Lilly,
L. Tresse,
F. Hammer,
David Crampton,
O. Le Fevre
Comments: uuencoded compressed Tex (first part) with 9 uuencoded compressed
postscript figures and 2 tables (second part). Also available at
this http URL . Accepted July 17 by
ApJ, scheduled for Dec 10 issue
Title: Probing the Era of Galaxy Formation via TeV Gamma Ray Absorption by the
Near Infrared Extragalactic Background
D. MacMinn,
J.R. Primack
Comments: 10 pages, incl. 4 figs. compressed, uuencoded postscript. To appear
in the Proceedings of the 1994 Heidelberg TeV Workshop
Journal-ref: Space Sci.Rev. 75 (1996) 413-422
Karl Glazebrook,
J.A. Peacock,
L. Miller,
C.A. Collins.
Comments: MNRAS in press. 15 pages plain TeX plus 12 figures. PostScript
version available from this ftp URL or from
this ftp URL
or this http URL
Title: Field Galaxy Evolution Since Z~1 from a Sample of QSO
Absorption-Selected Galaxies
C. Steidel,
M. Dickinson,
S.E. Persson
Comments: to appear in ApJ Letters, 6 pages, compressed, uuencoded postscript,
Title: The Contribution of Low Surface-Brightness Galaxies to Faint Galaxy
Henry C. Ferguson,
Stacy S. McGaugh
Comments: 39p, uuencoded compressed postscript, 18/21 figs included, full paper
from this http URL ferguson/lsb/,STScI 874
Title: Galaxy Evolution from QSO Absorption--Selected Samples
C. Steidel (MIT),
M. Dickinson (STScI)
Comments: from 35th Herstmonceaux Conference, "Wide Field Spectroscopy and the
Distant Universe", 13 pages, compressed, uuencoded postscript, CSR-94-23
Title: Probing the Era of Galaxy Formation via TeV Gamma Ray Absorption by the
Near Infrared Extragalactic Background
Donn MacMinn,
Joel R. Primack
Comments: 9 pages incl 3 figs, self-unpacking .ps file uuencoded by uufiles
***Substantial revision. Models expanded to include dust absorption and
emission, further changes to text, new figures. 11/94.***
Title: Oxygen Abundances in Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
Stacy McGaugh
Comments: 19 pages, uuencoded postscript with figures and tables, 280K also
available by ftp in /pub/ssm/abund.uu, Accepted for
publication in the Astrophysical Journal, CAP 30-9348y58b2t7b315
Journal-ref: Astrophys.J. 426 (1994) 135
Matches 101 to 158 from a total of 158 matches for the search pattern galaxy evolution
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