RC-archive RC0105+0501 RC0110+0500 RC0117+0503 RC0126+0502 RC0133+0459 RC0135+0450
RC0137+0539 RC0143+0505 RC0152+0453 RC0154+0459 RC0159+0448

Radio source parameters
The R-band contours(BTA) superposed
on 1465MHz(VLA) ps
R.A.(B1950) Dec.(B1950) Freq.   Comp.   Comp.
			[MHz]  size["] flux[mJy]
01:50:16.44 +04:39:01.7 1425.0  <8.0    92
01:50:22.58 +04:40:23.9        9.2x.5  63

R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000)  LAS   Sp.
			 ["]  index
01:52:52.81 +04:53:47.4 122.5 1.15
01:52:58.96 +04:55:09.4
#R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000) angle fwhm (X:Y)
 01:52:52.94 +04:53:47.9 163.7 8.0 : 3.6
 01:52:59.01 +04:55:09.0 167.5 10.3 : 4.5
Parameters of optical candidates for identification
R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000) R.A.(B1950) Dec.(B1950) Magn.
01:52:56.78 +04:54:27.7 01:50:20.40 +04:39:42.2 22.9
01:52:55.09 +04:54:19.0 01:50:18.71 +04:39:33.5 23.3:
#R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000) angle peak fwhm (X:Y)
 01:52:56.88 +04:54:28.9 98.7  96.4 9.0 : 7.4

The map (1465MHz, VLA) superposed on
the R-band image(BTA) ps
Last updated 20 Dec 2000
RC-archive RC0105+0501 RC0110+0500 RC0117+0503 RC0126+0502 RC0133+0459 RC0135+0450
RC0137+0539 RC0143+0505 RC0152+0453 RC0154+0459 RC0159+0448