RC-archive RC0209+0501b RC0213+0516 RC0226+0512 RC0250+0512

Radio source parameters
The R-band contours (BTA) superposed
on 1425MHz image (VLA) ps
R.A.(B1950)  Dec.(B1950) Freq.  Comp.    Comp.
			 [MHz]  size["] flux[mJy]
02:10:59.13 +05:04:04.4 1425.0  5.1x4.4   157
02:10:59.3  +05:04:18.9        15.5x6.5    99
02:10:59.65 +05:04:38.7         5.1x4.4   134

R.A.(J2000)  Dec.(J2000) LAS   Sp.
			 ["]  index
02:13:36.20 +05:18:04.1  35.8 .959
02:13:36.37 +05:18:18.6
02:13:36.72 +05:18:38.4
# R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000) angle fwhm (X:Y)
  02:13:36.77 +05:18:39.1 92.6 5.1 : 3.6
  02:13:36.23 +05:18:03.8 96.9 5.1 : 4.0
  02:13:36.32 +05:18:19.1 28.7 3.2 : 3.6
  02:13:36.70 +05:18:19.1  -      -
Parameters of optical candidates for identification
R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000) R.A.(B1950) Dec.(B1950) Magn.

02:13:36.25 +05:18:19.1 02:10:59.18 +05:04:19.4 22.1
02:13:36.42 +05:18:20.8 02:10:59.35 +05:04:21.1 22.5
R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000) angle fwhm (X:Y)

a 02:13:36.33 +05:18:19.0  -       -
b 02:13:36.51 +05:18:21.0  -       -
c 02:13:36.81 +05:18:20.5 96.9  9.4 : 9.0
d 02:13:37.38 +05:18:24.4 81.4  12.0 : 8.5
e 02:13:36.82 +05:18:26.0 140.3 10.5 : 9.1
f 02:13:36.24 +05:18:28.9  -       -
g 02:13:35.91 +05:18:26.4  -       -
h 02:13:35.96 +05:18:20.9 96.9  10.2 : 7.1
i 02:13:35.76 +05:18:17.2  -       -
The map (1425MHz,VLA) superposed
on the R-band image (BTA) ps
Last updated 21 Dec 2000