Publications of Oleg Verkhodanov
- A.A.Zaporozhets, O.V.Verkhodanov.
Radio Sources of Random Sky Region.
Astrophys. Bull. 74, No 3, 247-256 (2019).
- V.V.Pushkarev, E.K.Majorova, and O.V.Verkhodanov.
Spectral properties of background signal peaks at medium and high multipoles.
Astrophys. Bull. 74, No 4, 337-351 (2019).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kozlova D.D., Sotnikova Yu.V.
Cosmological evolution of average continuum spectra of radio sources at
Z >2 redshifts. Astrophys. Bull. 73, 393-400 (2018).
- Sokolov I.V., Castro-Tirado A.J., Zhelenkova O.P., Solovyev I.A.,
Verkhodanov O.V., Sokolov V.V.
The excess density of field galaxies near z 0.56 around the gamma-ray burst
GRB021004 position. Astrophys. Bul. 73, 111 (2018),
- O.V. Verkhodanov
Investigations of the Cosmic Microwave Background.
Phys. Particles and Nuclei, V.49, No.4, pp.508-513 (2018).
- O.V. Verkhodanov, N.V. Verkhodanova, O.S. Ulakhovich, D.I. Solovyov,
M.L.Khabibullina. Search for candidate objects with the
Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in the radio source vicinities. Astrophys. Bull.
73, Iss.1, p.1-21 (2018).
- D. I. Solovyov, O. V. Verkhodanov.
Modeling of giant radio galaxy distribution over the sphere in
the millimeter-wavelength range.
Astrophys.Bull. 72, Iss.3, p.217-223 (2017).
- Yu.N.Parijskij, O.P.Zhelenkova, A.I.Kopylov, A.V.Temirova,
O.V.Verhodanov, V.N.Komarova.
Search and study of objects of the early universe.
Astrophys. Bull. 72, No 2, 93-99 (2017).
- O.V.Verkhodanov, D.I.Solovyov, O.S.Ulakhovich, M.L.Khabibullina,
Radio galaxies of different populations on the Planck mission maps
Ast. Rep. 61, 297-298 (2017).
- Yu. N. Pariiskii, O. V. Verkhodanov,
RATAN-600 surveys and the cosmological gene of the universe.
Astron. Rep. 61, 332-336 (2017).
- O.V.Verkhodanov, Ya. V. Naiden.
A Comparison of anisotropic statistical properties of CMB maps based
on the WMAP and Planck space Mission data.
Astrophysical Bulletin, V.71, No.4, pp.371-383 (2016).
- O.V.Verkhodanov, E.K.Maiorova, O.P.Zhelenkova, D.I.Solov'ev, and
Sources of the RCR catalog with normal and flat spectra
according to data from the Planck microwave survey.
Astronomy Reports, 2016, V.60, No. 7, pp. 630-654.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, D.I. Solovyov, O.S. Ulakhovich,
M.L. Khabibullina.
A comparison of properties of different population radio galaxies based
on the Planck mission microwave data.
Astrophys. Bull. 71, No 2, 139-150 (2016).
- O.V.Verkhodanov.
Cosmological results from the Planck space mission and
their comparison with data from the WMAP and BICEP2 experiments.
Physics-Uspekhi, 59 (1) p.3-41 (2016).
- T. V. Keshelava and O. V. Verkhodanov.
Search for clustering of background objects near distant radio galaxies
using the MST method. Astrophys. Bull. V.70, Iss.3, p.257-263 (2015).
- O.V.Verkhodanov, E.K.Majorova, O.P.Zhelenkova, D.I.Solovyov,
M.L.Khabibullina. Steep-spectrum sources of the RCR catalog in
the millimeter and submillimeter ranges based on Planck data.
Astronomy Letters, 2015, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 457-472.
- O.V.Verkhodanov. Series Anomalies of Low Multipoles of WMAP
and Planck Missions: What are They?
Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2015, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 237-247.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, E.K.Majorova, O.P.Zhelenkova, M.L.Khabibullina,
D.I.Solovyov, Yu.N.Parijskij.
Investigation of the RCR Catalog Sources in the Millimeter and
Submillimeter Ranges Based on the Planck Mission Data.
Astrophys. Bull. V.70, Iss.2, p.156-182 (2015).
- Ya. V. Naiden and O. V. Verkhodanov.
Two-Dimensional Spectral Estimators of Statistical Anisotropy and Search
for the Isolated Directions in Planck Mission Data.
Astrophys. Bull. V.69, Iss.4, 488-496 (2014)
- M. L. Khabibullina, O. V. Verkhodanov, and V. V. Sokolov.
Statistics of the Planck CMB Signal in Direction of Gamma-Ray Bursts from
the BATSE and BeppoSAX Catalogs.
Astrophys. Bull. V.69, Iss.4, 472-487 (2014),
- D.I.Solovyov, O.V.Verkhodanov.
Radio Galaxies with Signatures of Merging from the List of Giant Radio
Galaxy Candidates Based on NVSS Data.
Astronomy Letters, 2014, Vol. 40, No. 10, pp. 606-614.
- O.V.Verkhodanov.
Comparison of Low-Harmonics Spectra and Maps According to the WMAP and
Planck Space Missions. Astrophys. Bull., V.69, Iss.3, 330-338 (2014).
- D.I.Solovyov, O.V.Verkhodanov.
Search for and Study of Weak Radio
Galaxies with Large Angular Sizes Using the NVSS Data.
Astronomy Reports, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 506-515 (2014).
- D. I. Solovyov, O. V. Verkhodanov.
Radio and Optical Identification of Giant Radio Galaxies
from NVSS Radio Survey. Astrophys. Bull. 69, N2, p.141-159 (2014).
- Yu.N.Parijskij, P.Thomasson, A.I.Kopylov, O.P.Zhelenkova,
T.W.B.Muxlow, R.Beswick, N.S.Soboleva, A.V.Temirova, O.V.Verkhodanov.
Observations of the z = 4.514 radio galaxy RC J0311+0507.
MNRAS 439, 2314 (2014).
- O.V.Verkhodanov, Ya.V.Naiden, V.N.Chernenkov, N.V. Verkhodanova.
Database of extended radiation maps and its access system.
Astrophys. Bull. 69, N1, p.113-120 (2014).
- Ya. V. Naiden, O. V. Verkhodanov.
Correlation properties of the WMAP CMB and 2MRS and SDSS catalogs at
different redshifts. Astrophys. Bull., V.68, No.4, p.471-480 (2013).
- Ya. V. Naiden, O. V. Verkhodanov.
Power spectrum distortions in CMB map one-dimensional cross-sections
depending on the cosmological model. II.
Astrophys. Bull., V.68, No.4, p.465-470 (2013).
- O.V. Verkhodanov, A.G. Doroshkevich.
Sky pixelization for the analysis
of extended emission. Phys. Usp. 56 (8) 801-812 (2013).
- Ya.V.Naiden, O.V.Verkhodanov. 2013.
Power spectrum distortions in CMB map one-dimensional cross-sections
depending on the cosmological model.
Astrophys. Bull. V.68, No.2, p.226-235 (2013).
- O.V.Verkhodanov. 2012.
Searching for non-Gaussianity in the observational
cosmic microwave background data. Phys.Usp., V.55 (11),
p.1098-1114 (2012).
- M. Hansen, W.Zhao, A.M.Frejsel, P.D.Naselsky, J.Kim,
O.V.Verkhodanov. 2012.
Faraday rotation as a diagnostic of Galactic foreground contamination of
cosmic microwave background maps.
MNRAS, V.426, Iss.1, P.57-69,
- P.Naselsky, C.H.Christensen, P.R.Christensen, P.H.Damgaard,
A.Frejsel, J.J.Gaardhoje, A.Hansen, M.Hansen, J.Kim,
O.Verkhodanov, U.A.Wiedemann. 2012.
Morphology of high-multiplicity events in heavy ion collisions.
Phys. Rev. C, V.86, 024916,
- O. V. Verkhodanov, T. V. Keshelava and Ya. V. Naiden. 2012.
On two low harmonics of CMB correlation maps.
Astrophys. Bull., V.67, No 3, p.245-252.
- O.V. Verkhodanov and Ya.V.Naiden. 2012.
Does the contribution of infrared and submillimeter sources reveal itself
at low harmonics of the CMB?
Astrophys. Bull., V.67, No.4, p.1-16.
- O.V. Verkhodanov and A.A.Basova. 2011.
Non-Gaussianity of Peak Statistics in Contrasting Spots of WMAP ILC.
Astrophys. Bull., V.66, No.4, p.407-415.
- D.I. Solovyov and O.V.Verkhodanov. 2011.
A Search for Faint Giant Radio Galaxies in the NVSS Survey.
Astrophys. Bull., V.66, No.4, p.416-423.
- Ya.V. Naiden, O.V. Verkhodanov. 2011.
Determination of microwave background map inhomogeneity from
angular power spectrum.
Astrophys. Bull., V.66, No.3, p.345-354.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, M.L.Khabibullina. 2011.
Statistics of WMAP ILC map temperature fluctuations towards distant
radio galaxies.
Astrophys. Bull., V.66, No.2, p.183-189,
- M.L.Khabibullina, O.V.Verkhodanov, M.Singh, A.Pyria,
S.Nandi, N.V.Verkhodanova. 2011.
A study of giant radio galaxies at RATAN-600.
Astrophys. Bull., V.66, No.2, p.171-182,
- A.G.Doroshkevich, O.V.Verkhodanov, P.D.Naselsky, Ja.Kim, D.I.Novikov,
V.I.Turchaninov, I.D.Novikov, L.-Y. Chiang, M.Hansen. 2011,
The Gauss-Legendre Sky Pixelization for the CMB polarization (GLESP-pol).
Errors due to pixelization of the CMB sky.
Intern. J. Mod. Phys., v.20, Iss.6, p.1053-1078,
- M.L.Khabibullina, O.V.Verkhodanov, M.Singh,
A. Pirya, S.Nandi, N.V.Verkhodanova. 2011.
A Second Set of RATAN-600 Observations of Giant Radio Galaxies.
Astronomy Reports, V.55, No.5, pp.392-399,
- M.L.Khabibullina, O.V.Verkhodanov, 2011,
The Estimation of Black-Hole Masses in Distant Radio Galaxies
Astronomy Reports, V.55, No. 4, pp. 302-309,
- A.G.Doroshkevich, O.V.Verkhodanov. 2011.
CMB component separation in the pixel domain.
Physical Review D 83, No.4, 3002,
- O.V.Verkhodanov, M.L.Khabibullina. 2010.
Dominant Multipoles in WMAP5 Mosaic Data Correlation Maps.
Astrophys. Bull., 2010, 65, No.4, p.390-399,
- Yu.N. Parijskij, A.I. Kopylov, A.V. Temirova, N.S. Soboleva,
O.P. Zhelenkova, O.V.Verkhodanov, W.M.Goss, T.A.Fatkhullin. 2010.
Spectroscopy of "Big Trio" objects using the "Scorpio" spectrograph of
the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory.
Astronomy Reports, V.54, No 8, P.675-695,
- O.V. Verkhodanov, V.V.Sokolov, M.L.Khabibullina, S.V.Karpov. 2010.
GRB Sky Distribution Puzzles.
Astrophys. Bull. 65, Iss. 3, 238-249,
- M.L. Khabibullina, O.V. Verkhodanov, M. Singh, A. Pirya,
N.V. Verkhodanova, and S. Nandi. 2010.
Radio spectra of giant radio galaxies from RATAN-600 data.
Astronomy Reports 54, No. 7, pp. 571-577,
- V.S. Berkutov, Ya. V. Naiden, and O. V. Verkhodanov. 2010.
Axial Symmetries in WMAP ILC Data.
Astrophys. Bull. 65, Iss. 2, 187-195
- D.I.Soloviev, O.V.Verkhodanov. 2010.
Statistics of extragalactic objects in the Cold Spot region on
the CMB maps. Astrophys. Bull. 65, Iss. 2, 121-131.
- P.D.Naselsky, P.R.Christensen, P.Coles, O.V.Verkhodanov, D.I.Novikov,
Ja.Kim. 2010. Understanding the WMAP Cold Spot mystery
Astrophys. Bull. 65, Iss. 2, 101-120,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Khabibullina M.L. 2010.
On the spectral index of distant radio galaxies.
Astron. Lett., 36, Iss. 1, 7-13,
- Khabibullina M.L., Verkhodanov O.V. 2009.
Catalog of radio galaxies with z>0.3. III: Angular sizes and flux
density according to the NVSS data.
Astrophys. Bull., 64, Iss. 4, 340-348,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Khabibullina M.L., Majorova E.K. 2009.
Tessellated mapping of cosmic background radiation correlations.
Astrophys. Bull., 64, Iss. 3, 263-269
- Khabibullina M.L., Verkhodanov O.V. 2009.
Catalog of radio galaxies with z>0.3. II: Photometric Data.
Astrophys. Bull., 64, Iss. 3, 276-285
- Khabibullina M.L., Verkhodanov O.V. 2009.
Catalog of radio galaxies with z>0.3. I: Construction of the sample.
Astrophysical Bull., No 64, Iss.2, 123-139,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Andernach H., Chernenkov V.N.
The CATS Service: An Astrophysical Research Tool.
Data Science Journal, 8, pp.34-40,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V., Andernach H.
Radio identification of decameter-wave sources.
II: The 30deg64, Iss.1, 72-105,
- Naselsky P.D., Verkhodanov O.V., Nielsen M.T.B. 2008.
Instability of reconstruction of the low CMB multipoles.
Astrophys. Bull., 63, Iss. 3, 216-227,
- Verkhodanov O. V., Khabibullina M.L., Majorova E.K.,
Parijskij Yu. N. 2008.
Correlation Properties of the Maps of the NVSS Survey and WMAP ILC.
Astrophys. Bull., 63, No 4, 366-373,
arXiv:0902.0281 .
- Khabibullina M.L., Verkhodanov O. V., Parijskij Yu. N. 2008.
Properties of one-dimensional sections of WMAP maps at
the declination of 41 deg.
Astrophys. Bull., 63, No 2, 95-101
- Naselsky P.D., Verkhodanov O.V. 2008.
Peculiarities of phases of the WMAP quadrupole.
Internat. J. Mod. Phys. D, 17, Iss. 1, p.179-194,
Naselsky P.D., Verkhodanov O.V., Christensen P.R., Chiang L.-Y. 2007.
On the antenna beam shape reconstruction using planet transit.
Astrophys. Bull., 62, No 3, 285-295,
- Naselsky P.D., Verkhodanov O.V. 2007.
Do We Need to Correct the Internal Linear Combination Quadrupole ?
Astrophys. Bull., 62, No 3, 203-208
- A.I.Kopylov, W.M.Goss, Yu.N.Pariiskii, N.S.Soboleva, O.V.Verkhodanov,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova. 2006.
RC J0311+0507: a candidate for superpowerful radio galaxies in the
early Universe at redshift z=4.514.
Astronom. Lett., V.32, No 7, p.433-438,
(in Russian: Pisma v AZh, V.32, pp. 483-488),
- Naselsky P.D., Chiang L.-Y., Novikov I.D., Verkhodanov O.V. 2005.
Foreground analysis from the 1-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy
Probe (WMAP) data.
Internat. J. Modern Physics D, V.14, No 7, 1273-1292,
- Doroshkevich A.G., Naselsky P.D., Verkhodanov O.V., Novikov D.I.,
Turchaninov V.I., Novikov I.D., Christensen P.R., Chiang L.-Y. 2005.
Gauss--Legendre Sky Pixelization (GLESP) for CMB maps.
Internat. J. Modern Physics D, V.14, No, 275-290,
- Chavushyan V.H., Verkhodanov O.V., Valdes J.R. , Mujica R.,
Trushkin S.A. 2005. IRAS F02044+0957: an interacting system.
Astrophysics (Astrofizika, No 48), V.48, No 1, 113
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, Yu.N.Pariiskii, N.S.Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova. 2005. On the Photometric Redshift Estimates
for FRII Radio Galaxies. Astronomy Letters V.31, No 4, 219-224
(in Russian: Pisma v AZh, V.31, pp. 243-249),
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Andernach H., Chernenkov V.N.
Current status of the CATS database.
Bull. SAO, No 58, 118-129,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Parijskij Yu.N., Starobinsky A.A. 2005.
Determination of Omega_Lambda and $H_0$ from photometric data of
radio galaxies. Bull. SAO, No 58, 5-15,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Doroshkevich A.G., Naselsky P.D., Novikov D.I.,
Turchaninov V.I., Novikov I.D., Christensen P.R., Chiang L.-Y.
GLESP package for full sky CMB maps data analysis and its
realization in the FADPS data processing system.
Bull. SAO, No 58, 40-50
- Parijskij Yu.N., Bursov N.N., Berlin A.B., Balanovskij A.A.,
Khaikin V.B., Majorova E.K., Mingaliev M.G., Nizhelskij N.A.,
Pylypenko O.M., Tsibulev P.A., Verkhodanov O.V., Zhekanis G.V.,
Zverev Yu.K. 2004.
RATAN-600 new zenith field survey and CMB problems.
Gravitation & Cosmology, 10, No 4 (40), 1-10,
- Naselsky P.D., Chiang, L.-Y., Olesen P., Verkhodanov O.V. 2004.
Primordial Magnetic Field and Non-Gaussianity of the One-Year
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Data. ApJ, 615, 45-54,
- Naselsky P.D., Doroshkevich A.G., Verkhodanov O.V. 2004.
Cross-correlation of the phases of the CMB and foregrounds derived
from the WMAP data. MNRAS, 349, 695-704,
- Balayan S.K., Verkhodanov O.V., 2004
Objects with a Continuum Spectrum in the Second Byurakan Sky Survey.
Astrophysics (Astrofizika, 47, 596-603), 47,
Issue 4, 505-512
- Naselsky P.D., Doroshkevich A.G., Verkhodanov O.V. 2003.
Phase cross-correlation of the WMAP ILC map and foregrounds.
ApJ, 599, L53-L56,
- Chiang Lung-Yih, Naselsky P.D., Verkhodanov O.V., Way M.J. 2003.
Non-Gaussianity of the Derived Maps from the First-Year Wilkinson
Microwave Anisotropy Probe Data.
ApJ, 590, L65-L68,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Parijskij Yu. N. 2003.
Problems of observational radio cosmology. Review.
Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs., No55, p.66-88.
- Afanas'ev V.L, Dodonov S.N., Moiseev A.V.,
Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I, Pariiskii Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Goss W.M. 2003.
Spectroscopy of RC objects. Astronomy Reports. V.47,
No 5, pp.377-385.
(Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, V.80, No 5, pp. 409-418).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V., Andernach H. 2003.
Radio Identification and Continuum Spectra of Decameter-Wavelength
Sources. Astronomy Reports. V.47, No 2, pp.110-118.
(Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, V.80, No 2, pp.130-139).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Chavushyan V.H., Mujica Raul, Trushkin S.A.,
Valdes Jose.
2003. Objects from Cross-Identification of the IRAS and Low-Frequency
Texas Radio Catalogs. Astronomy Reports. V.47, No 2, pp.119-128.
(Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, V.80, No 2, pp.140-150).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I, Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P. 2002.
Color redshift and the age of the stellar population of the
distant radio galaxies. V.46, No 7, pp. 531-542.
(In Russian: Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, V.79, No 7, pp.589-600).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kononov V.K. 2002.
A variant of description of dissimilar astronomical data.
Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs., No53, p.119-123.
- Kononov V.K., Pavlov S.V., Mingaliev M.G., Verkhodanov O.V.,
Nizhelskaya E.K., Khubieva N.V. 2002.
ODA-R - the Bank of observational data of the radiotelescope RATAN-600.
The first version. Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs., No53, p.131-133.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Kopylov A.I.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., W.M.Goss. 2001.
Results of investigation of radio galaxies of the survey "Cold":
photometry, colour redshifts and the age of the stellar population.
Bulletin of SAO, No 52, pp.5-133.
- Verkhodanov O., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V. 2001
Steep-spectrum UTR sources in FIRST survey.
Astronomical and Astrophyscal Transactions, V.20, pp.321-322.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Zhelenkova O.P., Verkhodanova N.V.,
Chernenkov V.N., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V. 2000.
Creation of the database of spectral energy distributions of radio
galaxies. Baltic Astronomy, v.9, p.668-669.
- Verkhodanov O. V., Trushkin S. A., Chernenkov V. N., Andernach H.
2000. CATS - The Largest Radio Astronomical Database: Extragalactic
Facilities. Baltic Astronomy, v.9, p.604-607.
- Trushkin S. A., Verkhodanov O. V., Chernenkov V. N., Andernach H.
2000. CATS - The Largest Radio Astronomical Database: Galactic
Facilities. Baltic Astronomy, v.9, p.608-612.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A. 2000. Searching out and studying
sources of low-frequency radio emission near infrared objects.
Bull. SAO No 50, P.115-141.
- Yu.N. Parijskij, W.M. Goss, A.I. Kopylov, N.S. Soboleva,
A.V. Temirova, O.V. Verkhodanov, O.P. Zhelenkova. 2000.
RATAN-600 - VLA - BTA-6m ("Big Trio") project:
multicolour studying of distant radio galaxies.
Astron. Astrophys. Trans. V.19, No 3-4, PP.297-304,
- O.V. Verkhodanov, A.I. Kopylov, Yu.N. Parijskij,
N.S. Soboleva, O.P. Zhelenkova, A.V. Temirova,
J. Winn, A. Fletcher, B. Burke. 2000.
RC J1148+0455 identification: gravitational lens or group of galaxies ?
Astron. Astrophys. Trans. V.19, No 3-4, PP. 536-541.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, H. Andernach, N.V.Verkhodanova. 2000.
USS radio sources from the UTR-2 survey.
Astron. Astrophys. Trans. V.19, No 3-4, PP. 542-549.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, O.P.Zhelenkova, N.V.Verkhodanova,
V.N.Chernenkov, Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva, A.V.Temirova. 2000.
The software system ``Evolution of radio galaxies''.
Astron. Astrophys. Trans. V.19, No 3-4, PP. 662-667.
- N.S.Soboleva, W.M.Goss, O.V.Verkhodanov, O.P.Zhelenkova,
A.V.Temirova, A.I.Kopylov3, and Yu.N.Pariskii. 2000.
RC J0105+0501: A Radio Galaxy with Redshift z=~3.5.
Astronomy Letters. V.26, No 10, P.623-627.
(In Russian: Pis'ma v Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, V.26, No 7, PP.723-728).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V. 2000.
Radio identification of decametric sources. I. Catalogue.
Bulletin of SAO, No 49. P.53-100.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Pavlov D.A. 2000.
An algorithm for cleaning extended interferences in radio
astronomical records.
Bulletin of SAO, No 49. P.45-52.
- Yu.N.Pariiskii, N.S.Soboleva, A.I.Kopylov, O.V.Verkhodanov,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova, J.Winn, A.Fletcher, B.Burke. 2000.
The Radio Galaxy RC J1148+0455. Astronomy Letters. V.26, No 7,
P.423-427 (In Russian: Pis'ma v Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, V.26,
No 7, pp.493-498).
- Lipovka N. M., Lipovka A. A., Verkhodanov, O. V., Chavira, E.
Studies of Bright Steep-Spectrum Radio Sources.
Astronomy Reports, V. 44, pp.1-5.
(In Russian: Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, V.77, No 1, pp.3-6).
- Yu.N.Parijskij, W.M.Goss, A.I.Kopylov, N.S.Soboleva, A.V.Temirova,
O.V.Verkhodanov, O.P.Zhelenkova. The program of distant radio
galaxies at Special astrophysical observatory of Russia. 1999.
Astron. and Astroph. Transactions. V.18, pp.437-446.
- Yu.N.Parijskij, A.I.Kopylov, W.M.Goss, N.S.Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova, O.V.Verkhodanov, O.P.Zhelenkova, A.V.Chepurnov. 1999.
RATAN-600 and the early Universe. Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transactions. V.18. P.61-65.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V. 1999. Redshifts and age of stellar systems of distant
radio galaxies from multicolour photometry data.
Bulletin of SAO, 1999, No 48. P.41-120.
- Yu.N.Parijskij, W.M.Goss, O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, N.S.Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova. 1999. 5 radio sources of the Zenith survey at RATAN-600:
VLA maps, radio spectra and optical identification.
Bulletin of SAO, 1999, No 48, P.5-16.
- Tovmassian H.M., Chavushyan V.H., Verkhodanov O.V., Tiersch H.
Radio emission of Shakhbazian compact galaxy groups. 1999.
Astrophys. J. V.523. P.87-99.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V. 1999.
Investigations of Sources Near 47 degs Declination Using
the RATAN-600 Radio Telescope. V.43. No 7. P.417-427.
(In Russian: Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, V.76, No 7, P.483-494).
- S.N.Dodonov, Yu.N.Pariiskii, W.M.Goss, A.I.Kopylov, N.S.Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova, O.V.Verkhodanov, and O.P.Zhelenkova. 1999.
Spectroscopy of Five Radio Sources in a Subsample
of RC Objects with Steep Spectra. Astronomy reports. V.43,
No.5, P.275.
(In Russian: Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, V.76, No 5, P.323-332)
- Pursimo, T.; Nilsson, K.; Teerikorpy, P.; Kopylov, A.;
Soboleva, N.; Parijskij, Yu.; Baryshev, Yu.; Verkhodanov, O.;
Temirova, A.; Zhelenkova, O.; Goss, W.; Sillanpaa A.;
Takalo, L.O. 1999. Optical morphology of distant RATAN-600 radio
galaxies from subarcsecond resolution NOT images.
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. V.134. P.505-521.
- A.M. Botashev, O.V.Verkhodanov, O.Cardona, N.M.Lipovka,
A.A. Lipovka, M.G.Mingaliev, E.Chavira. 1999.
Investigation of galaxies in and near the cluster A1185.
Astronomy Reports. V.43, P.65.
(In Russian: Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, V.76, No 2, P.83-92).
- Pariiskii Yu. N., Goss W. M., Kopylov A. I., Soboleva N. S.,
Temirova A. V., Verkhodanov O. V., Zhelenkova O. P. 1998.
Completion of the Optical Identification of RC Catalog Objects with
Ultra Steep Spectra and Estimation of Their Redshifts.
Astronomy Reports, V.42, P. 425.
- Trushkin S.A., Verkhodanov O.V.
Cross-identification of the IRAS Point-Source and Texas catalogs of
radio sources. Baltic Astronomy, 1997, V.6, No 2. P.345-346.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Chernenkov V.N.
CATS: a database system of astrophysical catalogues.
Baltic Astronomy, 1997, V.6, No 2. P.275-278.
- Andernach H., Trushkin S.A., Gubanov A.G., Verkhodanov O.V.,
Titov V.B., Micol A. Preparing a public database of radio sources.
Baltic Astronomy, 1997, V.6, No 2. P.259-262.
- A. Fletcher, S. Conner, F. Crawford, J Cartwright, B. Burke,
Yu. N. Pariiskii, N.S. Soboleva, A.I. Kopylov, A.V. Temirova,
O.V.Verkhodanov, M.N. Naugol'naya. 1996.
Identification of Objects from the RC Catalog with Accuracy
Eceeding 1" using the Palomar Prints and VLA maps from
the MIT Archive. Astronomy Reports (distr. by American
Institute of Physics). V.40, No. 6, 759-767. (in Russian:
Astronomicheskij Zhurnal V.73, No 6, 1996, 835-843.).
- Verkhodanov O.V. On one algorithm of fitting of the function,
preassigned by table, to tabular defined points.
Bulletin of SAO, No 41, 1996, P.149-151.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Verkhodanov O.V.,
Kopylov A.I., Zhelenkova O.P. On observations of diffuse
optical emission along the axis of double radio
sources of RC catalog at the 6 m optical telescope.
Bulletin of SAO, No 40, 1996, P. 125-127.
- Parijskij Yu. N., Goss W.M., Kopylov A.I., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V.,Verkhodanov O.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Naugolnaya M.N.
Investigation of RATAN-600 RC radio sources.
Bulletin of SAO, No 40, 1996, P. 5-124.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, V.K.Kononov, V.N.Chernenkov, 1995,
The methods and facilities of astrophysical experiments
support in the SAO RAS. Short review of the problems.
Bulletin of SAO, No 39, P.146-149.
- S.A.Trushkin, O.V.Verkhodanov. 1995,
On the cross-identification of the IRAS-Point Source
and Texas catalogs. Bulletin of SAO, No 39, P.150-154.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, V.L. Gorokhov, 1995,
On the properties of the extremal-median detector of faint
radio sources of the indefinite shape.
Bulletin of SAO, No 39, P.155-160.
- Kopylov A.I., Goss W.M., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Vitkovskij Val.V., Naugolnaya M.N.,
Verkhodanov O.V. 1995. Optical identifications of subsample of
the RC catalog steep spectra radio sources with 6-meter telescope
of SAO RAS. Requirements to coordinate precision and the
image depth, VLA observations and photometric methods of
redshift estimation. Astronomicheskij Zhurnal.
V.72. No 4, P.437-446.
- Kopylov A.I., Goss W.M., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Vitkovskij Val.V., Naugolnaya M.N.,
Verkhodanov O.V. 1995. Optical identifications of subsample of
steep spectra radio sources from RC catalog using 6m SAO telescope
of SAO RAS: optical observations. Astronomicheskij Zhurnal (Russia).
V.72. No.5. P.613-629.
- Gorokhov V.L., Verkhodanov O.V. On the rifenement of
radio survey and radio catalog completeness by statistical
simulation of the survey process. Astronomy Letters.
V.20. P.671-675. (In Russian: Pisma v Astronomicheskij Zhurnal,
V.20. No 10. P.776-780). 1994.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Verkhodanov O.V., Pinchuk G.A., Bajkova A.T.,
Golnev A.Ya., Esepkina N.A., Zverev Yu.N., Majorova E.K.,
Mingaliev M.G., Opeikina L.V., Stotskij A.A., Temirova A.V.,
Fridman P.A. Radio telescope RATAN-600 in the "Zenith" mode.
Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs. 1994, No 38. P.58-12.
- Verkhodanov O.V. Study of the objects of Zenith sky survey 1988.
Astronomy Reports. V.38. P.307-313. (in Russian: Astronomicheskij
Zhurnal. V.71. No 3. P.352-359). 1994.
- V.B.Khaikin, O.V.Verkhodanov. Results of simulation of
two-dimensional beam pattern and parameters of RATAN-600 radio
telescope in comparison with the experiment. Izvestiya SAO.
Astrofiz. issl. (Bulletin of SAO, Russia). No 36, 1993.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, B.L.Erukhimov, M.L.Monosov, V.N.Chernenkov,
V.S.Shergin. Basic principles of flexible astronomical data
processing system in UNIX environment. Izvestiya SAO.
Astrofiz. Issl. (Bulletin of SAO, Russia). No 36, 1993.
- M.G.Mingaliev, O.V.Verkhodanov, A.R. Khabrakhmanov, V.Ya.
Golnev, A.V.Temirova. 1991. A Zenith survey of 1988 with RATAN-600
at 8.0 cm. Soobtcheniya SAO (SAO Communications), Nizhnij Arkhys,
No 68, p.47-54.
- M.G.Mingaliev, O.V.Verkhodanov, A.R. Khabrakhmanov. A Zenith
survey of 1988 with RATAN-600 at 8.0 cm. Pisma v Astronom.
Zhurnal (Lettes to Astronom. Journal), USSR, v.17, No 9,
P.787-793, 1991.
- N.N.Bursov, O.V.Verkhodanov, V.L.Erukhimov, N.M.Lipovka,
T.B.Pyatunina, N.S.Soboleva, A.V.Temirova, V.N.Chernenkov.
Determination of parameters of radio sources with the method
of "declination cross-sections" under the unmovable secondary
mirror at the RATAN-600. Izvestiya SAO USSR AS. Astrofiz. issl.
(Bulletin of SAO, Russia). No 28, p.136-148. 1989.
- Verkhodanov O.V.
Are there any discepances in understanding the evolution of the Universe?
In Proc. V Int. Science-pratical Conf.``Applied aspects of geology,
geophysics, and geoecology with modern informational technologies'',
Part 1, Maikop, 20-24 May 2019 Ç., ISBN 978-5-907004-38-2,
(Maikop: Publ. ``IP Kucherenko V.O.'', 2019), p.108-118.
- I.V.Sokolov, A.J. Castro-Tirado, A.F. Valeev,
I.A. Solovyev, O.P. Zhelenkova, O.V. Verkhodanov.
The field galaxies clustering in GRB lines of sight based on observations
with BTA and other telescopes.
In "The Multi-Messenger Astronomy: Gamma-Ray Bursts, Search for
Electromagnetic Counterparts to Neutrino Events and Gravitational Waves"
Proc. conf., 7-14 October, 2018 at SAO RAS.
Publ. SNEG, Pyatigorsk, Russia 2019. ISBN 978-5-6041711-1-0, pp.218-228.
- Oleg Verkhodanov, Natalia Verkhodanova, Olesya Ulakhovich, Dmitrij
Solovyov, and Margarita Khabibullina.
Advanced stream search for galaxy clusters with multifrequency microwave
data. XXth International Seminar on High Energy Physics "Quarks-2018",
eds. Victoria Volkova, Yana Zhezher, Dmitry Levkov, Valery Rubakov,
Victor Matveev, (INR RAS, Valdai, 28 May - 3 June, 2018)
EPJ Web of Conferences 191, 01008 (2018)
- O.V. Verkhodanov.
The problem of non-gaussianity and harmonic analysis in observational
cosmology. In Abstracts book of the 2nd Int. Sci. conf. "Autumn
Mathematical Readings in Adyghea", eds.Aliev M.V., Mamiy D.K., Shumafov M.M.,
Karpenko Yu.A. (Maikop, Adyghe State University, 2017), p.60-67.
- O.V. Verkhodanov
The problem of non-gaussianity and harmonic analysis in observational
cosmology. In Proc. 2nd Int. Sci. conf. "Autumn
Mathematical Readings in Adyghea", eds. Aliev M.V., Mamiy D.K., Shumafov M.M.,
Karpenko Yu.A. (Maikop, Adyghe State University, 2017), p.60-67.
- Verkhodanov O.V.
Harmonic analysis on a sphere and cosmological results of the Planck cosmic
In Proc. IV Int. Science-pratical Conf.``Applied aspects of geology,
geophysics, and geoecology with modern informational technologies'',
Part 1, Maikop, 15-18 May 2017 Ç., ISBN 978-5-906696-85-4,
(Maikop: Publ. ``IP Kucherenko V.O.'', 2017), p.161-173.
- O.V. Verkhodanov,
Low Multipoles Anomalies of CMB Maps.
In "Radiation mechanisms of astrophysical objects".
Eds: V. Grinin et al. (Yerevan: Edit Print, 2017), pp. 363-370.
- O.V. Verkhodanov , E.K. Majorova, O.P. Zhelenkova, D.I.Solovyov,
M.L.Khabibullina, O.S.Ulakhovich.
Faint Radio Galaxies on the Planck Mission Maps
In "Radiation mechanisms of astrophysical objects".
Eds: V. Grinin et al. (Yerevan: Edit Print, 2017), pp. 381-384.
- Oleg Verkhodanov, Dmitrij Solovyov, Elena Majorova,
Margarita Khabibullina.
To the problem of the secondary CMB anisotropy separation.
In Proc. 19th Int. Seminar on High Energy Physics (QUARKS-2016),
Eds.: V.A.Andrianov, V.A.Matveev, V.A.Rubakov, V.T.Kim, A.A.Andrianov,
M.D.Fitkevich, EPJ Web of Conferences, V.125, 03019 (2016).
- Ilya V. Sokolov, Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, Oleg V. Verkhodanov,
Olga P. Zhelenkova, Yurij V. Baryshev.
Clustering of galaxies around the GRB 021004 sight-line at z ~ 0.5.
In Proc. Int.Workshop on "Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and
Multimessenger Astronomy: Neutrino Signals, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray
Bursts", Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO RAS), Terskol (BNO INR RAS),
October 7-14, 2015, pp.111-123, "Sneg", Pyatigorsk, 2016.
- O. V. Verkhodanov, V. V. Sokolov, M. L. Khabibullina.
Correlation between sphere distributions of gamma-ray bursts and CMB
In Proc. Int.Workshop on "Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and
Multimessenger Astronomy: Neutrino Signals, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray
Bursts", Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO RAS), Terskol (BNO INR RAS),
October 7-14, 2015, pp.142-150, "Sneg", Pyatigorsk, 2016.
- O. V. Verkhodanov. Mini Course 5.
Problems of CMB Data Registration and Analysis.
In "The Cosmic Microwave Background",
Proc. II Jose Plinio Baptista School of Cosmology,
Eds. Julio C. Fabris, Oliver F. Piattella, Davi C. Rodrigues,
Hermano E.S. Velten, Winfried Zimdahl.
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, v.45, p.167-228,
Print ISBN 978-3-319-44768-1, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- O.V.Verkhodanov ,
Data analysis on a sphere and the modern cosmological results.
In "Applied aspects of geology, geophysics and geo-ecology with
modern information technologies", Proc. III Int. scientific-practictical
conf. (in Russian), Maikop, May 11-14, 2015 (Maikop, Maikop State
Techonological Univ., 2015), p. 71-88.
- Singh M., Verkhodanov O.V., Pirya A., Chandola H.C., Khabibullina M.L.
2011. Proc. 29th Meeting of the Astron. Soc. India, held 23-25 February,
ASI Conf. Series, V.3, Eds. P.Khare & C.H.Ishwara-Chandra, p.149.
- Verkhodanov O.V. 2010.
Modern cosmological model or how we study the
Universe. Proc.6th Interregional Summer School for Physicists (LMSF-6),
ed. A.G.Arapov (in Russian), 27 July - 13 August 2010,
Volgograd - Rostov-na-Donu - Zelenchukskaya - Novorossijsk.
Ekaterinburg: Publ. ASF Russia, pp.97-98.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, Yu.N.Parijskij, 2008
"Hubble parameter and Omega_Lambda from observations of radio galaxies",
in "Particles and Cosmology", Proc. 14th Internat. School,
eds. S.V.Demidov, V.A.Matveev, V.A.Rubakov,
held in Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 16-21, 2007,
ISBN 978-5-94274-055-9, pp. 109-118
- O.V.Verkhodanov, P.D.Naselsky, L.Y.Chiang, A.G.Doroshkevich,
I.D.Novikov, 2008,
"Review of non-Gaussianity at low and high multipoles from WMAP data",
in "Particles and Cosmology", Proc. 14th Internat. School,
eds. S.V.Demidov, V.A.Matveev, V.A.Rubakov,
held in Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 16-21, 2007,
ISBN 978-5-94274-055-9, pp.119-126
- Verkhodanov O.V. 2008. CMB data analysis: methods and problems.
In "Practical Cosmology", V.II, Proc. Internat. Conf. "Problems of
Practical Cosmology", eds. Yu.Baryshev, Igor N.Taganov, P.Teerikorpi,
Russian Geographical Society, 23-27 June 2008, St.Petersburg, p.206-212
- Khabibullina M.L., Verkhodanov O. V., Parijskij Yu. N. 2008.
Properties of WMAP cross-sections in the field of the RATAN-600 survey.
In "Practical Cosmology", V.II, Proc. Internat. Conf. "Problems of
Practical Cosmology", eds. Yu.Baryshev, Igor N.Taganov, P.Teerikorpi,
Russian Geographical Society, 23-27 June 2008, St.Petersburg, p.239-246
- Verkhodanov O.V., Khabibullina M.L., Singh M., Pirya A.,
Verkhodanova N.V., Nandi S. 2008. Giant radio galaxies: problems of
understanding and problems for CMB ?
In "Practical Cosmology", V.II, Proc. Internat. Conf. "Problems of
Practical Cosmology", eds. Yu.Baryshev, Igor N.Taganov, P.Teerikorpi,
Russian Geographical Society, 23-27 June 2008, St.Petersburg, p.247-250
- Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V., Andernach H. 2008.
Ultra-steep spectrum decametric sources for cosmological researches.
In "Practical Cosmology", V.II, Proc. Internat. Conf. "Problems of
Practical Cosmology", eds. Yu.Baryshev, Igor N.Taganov, P.Teerikorpi,
Russian Geographical Society, 23-27 June 2008, St.Petersburg, p.251-255
Verkhodanov O.V., Chernenkov V.N., Trushkin S.A., Verkhodanova N.V.,
Kopylov A.I., Kononov V.K. 2007.
Informational system of SAO RAS in the radio cosmology field.
Proc. All Russia Astron. Conf. VAC-2007,
"Cosmic frontiers of the XXI century",
Kazan, KSU Publ., p.438-440.
Verkhodanov O.V., Doroshkevich A.G., Novikov I.D., Naselsky P.D.,
Turchaninov V.I., Novikov D.I., Christensen P.R., Chiang L.-Y. 2007.
The new release of the package for analysis of background radiations
on the selestial sphere.
Proc. All Russia Astron. Conf. VAC-2007,
"Cosmic frontiers of the XXI century",
Kazan, KSU Publ., p.452-453.
Naselsky P.D., Verkhodanov O.V. 2007.
On the problem of the CMB quadrupole.
Proc. All Russia Astron. Conf. VAC-2007,
"Cosmic frontiers of the XXI century",
Kazan, KSU Publ., p.437-448.
Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V., Andernach H. 2007.
Identification of the decametric radio sources.
Proc. All Russia Astron. Conf. VAC-2007,
"Cosmic frontiers of the XXI century",
Kazan, KSU Publ., p.367-368.
Kopylov A. I., Parijskij Yu. N., Soboleva N. S., Temirova A. V.,
Verkhodanov O. V., Goss W. M., Zhelenkova O. P. 2007.
RC J0311+0507: A Candidate to Superpowerful Radio Galaxies
with z = 4.514. In "Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time",
eds. F. Combes and J. Palous, Proc. Inter. Astron. Union 2,
IAU Symp. #235, Cambridge Univ. Press, p.431
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Chernenkov V.N., Andernach H.2004.
The CATS Database as a Tool to Study Radio Sources.
In ``Toward an International Virtual Observatory'',
Proc. ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Conf., Garching, Germany, 2002.
Eds. P.J. Quinn, K.M. Gorski. ESO Astrophysics Symposia.
Berlin: Springer, p. 316.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kononov V.K., Trushkin S.A., Kopylov A.I.,
Verkhodanova N.V., Gubanov A.G., Zhelenkova O.P.,
Chernenkov V.N. 2004.
To Creation of Virtual Radio Observatory.
In ``Toward an International Virtual Observatory'',
Proc. ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Conf., Garching, Germany, 2002.
Eds. P.J. Quinn, K.M. Gorski. ESO Astrophysics Symposia.
Berlin: Springer, p. 318.
- Verkhodanova N.V., Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Zhelenkova O.P.,
Chernenkov V.N. 2004. System to study evolution of radio galaxies
as a part of a virtual radio observatory.
In ``Toward an International Virtual Observatory'',
Proc. ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Conf., Garching, Germany, 2002.
Eds. P.J. Quinn, K.M. Gorski. ESO Astrophysics Symposia.
Berlin: Springer, p. 321.
- Chavushyan V.H., Mujica R., Carrasco L., Valdes J.R.,
Stepanian J.A., Verkhodanov O. 2003.
The FIRST-APM QSOs Survey in the SBS sky region - FAQS
In ``AGN Surveys'', Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 184:
held 18 June - 22 June 2001, Byurakan, Armenia.
Eds.: R.F.Green, E.Ye.Khachikian, and D.B.Sanders,
ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 284, p.293-294
- Verkhodanov O.V., Chavushyan V.H., Mujica R., Valdes J.R.,
Trushkin S.A. 2003.
IRAS F02044+0957: radio source in interacting system of galaxies.
In ``AGN Surveys'', Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 184:
held 18 June - 22 June 2001, Byurakan, Armenia.
Eds.: R.F.Green, E.Ye.Khachikian, and D.B.Sanders,
ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 284, pp.308-309,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Kopylov A.I.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P. 2003.
Photometric study of radio galaxies in RATAN--600 ``Cold'' survey.
In ``AGN Surveys'', Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 184:
held 18 June - 22 June 2001, Byurakan, Armenia.
Eds.: R.F.Green, E.Ye.Khachikian, and D.B.Sanders,
ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 284, p.310-311,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Verkhodanova N.V., Zhelenkova O.P.,
Chernenkov V.N., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V. 2003.
System to estimate ages and redshifts for radio galaxies.
In ``AGN Surveys'', Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 184:
held 18 June - 22 June 2001, Byurakan, Armenia.
Eds.: R.F.Green, E.Ye.Khachikian, and D.B.Sanders,
ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 284, p.312-313,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V., Andernach H. 2003.
Decametric AGNs: FIRST and NVSS maps and radio spectra.
In ``AGN Surveys'', Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 184:
held 18 June - 22 June 2001, Byurakan, Armenia.
Eds.: R.F.Green, E.Ye.Khachikian, and D.B.Sanders,
ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 284, p.306-307,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V. 2002.
The Problem of Identifying Decametric Sources.
In ``The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies'', Proceedings of
IAU Symposium 199, held 30 Nov - 4 Dec 1999, Pune, India.
Eds. A. Pramesh Rao, G. Swarup, and Gopal-Krishna, 215-216,
- Andernach H., Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V. 2002.
Radio-optical Identification of Very-Steep Spectrum Radio Sources
from the UTR-2 Catalogue.
In ``The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies'', Proceedings of
IAU Symposium 199, held 30 Nov - 4 Dec 1999, Pune, India.
Eds. A. Pramesh Rao, G. Swarup, and Gopal-Krishna, 217-218
- Parijski Yu.N., Goss W.M., Kopylov A.I., Soboleva N.S.,
Verkhodanov O.V., Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P. 2002.
In ``The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies'', Proceedings of
IAU Symposium 199, held 30 Nov - 4 Dec 1999, Pune, India.
Eds. A. Pramesh Rao, G. Swarup, and Gopal-Krishna, 219-220.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A. 2002.
Study of Objects of Low Radio Frequency Catalogues and IRAS Data -
In ``The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies'', Proceedings of
IAU Symposium 199, held 30 Nov - 4 Dec 1999, Pune, India.
Eds. A. Pramesh Rao, G. Swarup, and Gopal-Krishna, 221-224.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Andernach H. 2002.
Low Frequency Catalogues of the CATS Database
In ``The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies'', Proceedings of
IAU Symposium 199, held 30 Nov - 4 Dec 1999, Pune, India.
Eds. A. Pramesh Rao, G. Swarup, and Gopal-Krishna, 245-246,
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Zhelenkova O.P., Verkhodanova N.V.,
Chernenkov V.N., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V. 2002.
The SEDs Database to Study Evolution of Radio Galaxies.
In ``The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies'', Proceedings of
IAU Symposium 199, held 30 Nov - 4 Dec 1999, Pune, India.
Eds. A. Pramesh Rao, G. Swarup, and Gopal-Krishna, 247-248.
- Prugniel, P.; Ortiz, P. F.; Binette, L.; Busarello, G.; Golev, V.;
Joguet, B.; Merluzzi, P.; Paturel, G.; Theureau, G.; Tsvetkov, M.;
Verkhodanov, O.; Zasov, A. 2001.
HYPERLEDA: a Tool for Studying Galaxies.
In "Mining the Sky", Proceedings of the MPA/ESO/MPE.
Workshop held at Garching, Germany, 31 July-4 August, 2000.
Edited by A. J. Banday, S. Zaroubi, and M. Bartelmann.
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2001., p.683
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, O.P.Zhelenkova, N.V.Verkhodanova,
V.N. Chernenkov. 2001.
Advance of the database "Evolution of radio galaxies".
In Proc. of the International Workshop on
Computer Science and Information Technologies. CSIT'2001.
Ufa, Russia, September 21-26, 2001. V.2, pp. 1-6.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, S.A.Trushkin. 2001.
On the virtual observatory and CATS database.
In Proc. of the International Workshop on
Computer Science and Information Technologies. CSIT'2001.
Ufa, Russia, September 21-26, 2001. V.2, pp. 7-11.
- Chavushyan, V.; Mujica, R.; Carrasco, L.; Valdes, J.R.;
Verkhodanov, O. and Stepanian, J.
The FIRST-APM QSO survey (FAQS) in the SBS Region. Preliminary Results.
2001, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 232, pp. 102-104.
In "The New Era of Wide Field Astronomy"
Eds. R.G. Clowes, A.J. Adamson and G.E. Bromage.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, O.P.Zhelenkova, N.V.Verkhodanova,
V.N.Chernenkov. 2000.
The informational system "Evolution of radio galaxies".
In Proc. of the International Workshop on
Computer Science and Information Technologies, CSIT'2000.
Ufa, Russia, September 18-23, 2000. V.2, pp. 235-239.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, Trushkin. 1999.
Identification of radio emitting IRAS sources. I.
Is IRAS F02044+0957 a system of interacting galaxies ?
In "Astrophysics on the century boundary", eds. N.S.Kardashev,
R.D.Dagkesamanskij, Yu.A.Kovalyov. Proc. of All Russian
Conference held on 17-22 May, Puschino. Astro Space Center. P.557-564.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva,
O.P.Zhelenkova, A.V.Temirova, J.Winn, A.Fletcher, B.Burke. 1999.
On the nature of the radio source RC~B1146+052: radio spectrum,
structure of components and optical identification.
In "Astrophysics on the century boundary", eds. N.S.Kardashev,
R.D.Dagkesamanskij, Yu.A.Kovalyov. Proc. of All Russian
Conference held on 17-22 May, Puschino. Astro Space Center. P.549-556.
- T.Pursimo, K.Nilsson, P.Teerikorpy, A.Kopylov, N.Soboleva,
Yu.Parijskij, Yu.Baryshev, O.Verkhodanov, A.Temirova, O.Zhelenkova,
W.Goss. 1999. Optical morphology of distant RATAN-600 radio galaxies.
In "Radioastronomical Researches". Proc. VIII Russian-Finnish Symp.
on Radioastronomy. June 28-July 3, 1999. St.Petersburg. Glavnaya
Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya (Main Astron. Observ. RAS), P.95-98.
- Verkhodanov O.V. 1998. Introduction in "computer" astronomy.
In "Bukovskie lektsii po astrofizike 1997 g." (Bukovo lectures
for astrophysics in 1997), ed. O.V.Verkhodanov. Proceedings of
the IV school of Astronomical Olympiads winners.
Nizhnij Arkhyz, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, P.55-63.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V. "Color ages of parent galaxies of high redshift
radio sources", in Proc. XV Conf. on "Aktualnye problemy
vnegalakticheskoi astronomii" ("Current Problems of Extragalactic
Astronomy"), Pushchino, May 25-29, 1998, printed in
Pushchino Sci. Center, p.22-24 (in Russian).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V. 1998,
"New data in Zenith survey at RATAN-600", in Proc. XV Conf. on
"Aktualnye problemy vnegalakticheskoi astronomii" ("Current
Problems of Extragalactic Astronomy"), Pushchino, May 25--29,
1998, printed in Pushchino Sci. Center, p.18-22 (in Russian).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V. 1998,
"On the properties of decametric sources (by identifications in the
CATS database)", in Proc. XV Conf. on "Aktualnye problemy
vnegalakticheskoi astronomii" ("Current Problems of Extragalactic
Astronomy"), Pushchino, May 25--29, 1998, printed in
Pushchino Sci. Center, p.15-18 (in Russian).
- Yu.Parijskij, A.Kopylov, N.Soboleva, O.Verkhodanov, A.Temirova,
O.Zhelenkova, P.Tcibulev, A.Chepurnov, V.Stolyarov and N.Bursov.1998.
"Dark ages" of the univese. In "Current Topics in Astrofundamental
Physics: Primordial Cosmology", eds N.Sancher and A.Zidini.
(Erice, Italy, 4-15 Sept., 1997)
Kluwer Academic Publisher. P.443-466.
- Verkhodanov O., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V., Loiseau N.
1998. Radio Spectra and NVSS Maps of Decametric Sources.
Proc. Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys.
eds. M.Bremer, N.Jackson & I.P'erez-Fournon,
Kluwer Acad. Publ., ASSL V.226, 255--256.
- Andernach H., Verkhodanov O.V., Loiseau N. 1997.
NVSS maps of UTR catalog sources.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.334-335.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V. 1997.
Results of multifrequency identifications of UTR radio sources.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.338-339.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V. 1997.
Interactive restoration of radio spectra of UTR sources.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.330-331.
- Trushkin S.A., Verkhodanov O.V. 1997.
Spectra and statistical properties of ITA catalog objects.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.328-329.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A. 1997.
Cross-identification of the Texas catalog at 365 MHz and
3 main catalogs of the satellite IRAS.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.332-333.
- Trushkin S.A., Verkhodanov O.V., Chernenkov V.N. 1997.
The CATS database of astrophysical catalogs as a tool
of galactic and extragalactic exploration.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.336-337.
- Chernenkov V.N., Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A. 1997.
Astrophysical information search system in the CATS database.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.324-325.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kononov V.K., Trushkin S.A., Chernenkov V.N.
Description system of galactic and extragalactic sources data.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.316-317.
- Verkhodanov O.V. 1997.
Interactive system of preparation and reduction of radio
sources continuum spectra.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.322-323.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Verkhodanova N.V. 1997.
New data by the Zenith survey in the region of 47 degs by declination:
RATAN-600 observations in 1995, NVSS and APM identifications.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.195-196.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V., Kopylov A.I.,
Verkhodanov O.V. 1997. Selection of extremely distant
objects in the Universe (state to 1996 yr).
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.154-155.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Goss W.M., Kopylov A.I., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V., Verkhodanov O.V., Zhelenkova O.P. 1997.
Nature of RC catalog radio sources: estimation of redshifts
and physical conditions in objects of the "Big Trio" program.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.193-194.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Cardona O., Lipovka N.M., Lipovka A.A.,
Chavira E. 1997.
Optical identification of radio sources in the sky region
with abundance of blue galaxies.
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.213-214.
- Botashev A.M., Verkhodanov O.V., Cardona O., Lipovka N.M.,
Lipovka A.A., Mingaliev M.G., Chavira E. 1997.
Investigation of galaxies in the A1185 cluster and its
In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian).
Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg.
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS. V.1. P.164-165.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Chernenkov V.N., Trushkin S.A. 1997.
Furter advance in the CATS database operation. First year of
WWW access. In Proc. of the First East-Europian Symposium on
Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'97).
St.Petersburg University, September 2-5, 1997.
Publishing "Nevsky Dialect". V.2, p. 73-77.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Andernach H., Chernenkov V.N.
1997. The CATS database
to operate with astrophysical catalogs.
In "Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI",
eds. G.Hunt & H.E.Payne. ASP Conference Series, Vol.125,P.322-325.
- Shergin V.S., Verkhodanov O.V., Chernenkov V.N., Erukhimov B.L.,
Gorokhov V.L. 1997. Non-parametric algorithms in data reduction
at RATAN-600. In "Astronomical Data Analysis Software and
Systems VI", eds. G.Hunt & H.E.Payne.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 125, P.182-185.
- Verkhodanov O.V. 1997. Multiwaves continuum data reduction
at RATAN-600. In "Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI",
eds. G.Hunt & H.E.Payne. ASP Conference Series, Vol.125, P.46-49.
- Trushkin S.A., Andernach H., Micol A., Gubanov A.G., Verkhodanov O.V.,
Titov V.B., Chernenkov V.N. Public Databases for Radio Astronomy:
a joint venture between East and West. In Proc. of the Third
International Workshop on "Advances in Databases and Information
Systems". 1996, Sept.10-13. Moscow Engineering Physical Inst.
Publishing, V.2. P.37-41.
- Parijskij Y.N., Soboleva N.S., Goss W.M.,
Kopylov A.I., Verkhodanov O.V., Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P.
The RATAN-600 - VLA - 6m Russian telescope Early Universe Project.
Proceed. of 175th IAU Symposium "Extragalactic radio sources",
Ed. R.Ekers, C.Fanti, L.Padrielli. Italy, Bologna. 1995.
Kluwer Academic Publishes. P.591-592.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Pinchuk G.A., Verkhodanov O.V., Khaikin V.B.
Zverev Yu.K., Zhekanis G.V. RATAN-600 as mm-ARRAY. Proceedings
of IAU Colloquium 140. Astronomy with millimeter and
submillimeter wave interferometry. Ed. M.Ishiguro and Wm. Welch.
Hakone. Japan. 1992. Published Astron. Soc. of the Pacific. 1994.
- Yu.N.Parijskij, B.L.Erukhimov, M.G.Mingaliev, A.B.Berlin, N.N.
Bursov, N.A.Nizhelskij, M.N.Naugolnaya, V.N.Chernenkov, O.V.
Verkhodanov, A.V.Chepurnov, A.A.Starobinskij. Discovery of the
small scale anisotropy at 2.7 cm: radio sources or relic
emission ? Observational tests of inflation. Proceedings of the
NATO Advanced Research Workshop, p.437-442. Durham UK. 1990.
Kluwer Academic Publishers 1991.
V.L. Afanasiev, S.N. Dodonov, A.V. Moiseev, O.V. Verkhodanov,
A.I. Kopylov, Yu.N. Parijskij, N.S. Soboleva, A.V. Temirova,
O.P.Zhelenkova, W.M.Goss. 2002. Spectroscopy of the Sample of
the RC-catalog Objects with Steep Spectra. Preprint No 139SPb
(In Russian). St.Petersburg branch SAO. PP.1-38.
- Kononov V.K., Pavlov S.V., Mingaliev M.G., Verkhodanov O.V.,
Nizhelskaya E.K, Khubieva N.V. 2001.
ODA-R - the observational databank of the radio telescope RATAN-600.
Preprint No 164. Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS.
Nizhnij Arkhyz. P.1-31.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova. 2001. "Big Trio" project: color
redshifts and ages of the stellar systems conncted with the RC steep
spectra radio galaxies. Preprint No 136 SPb (in Russian).
St.Petersburg branch of SAO. P.3-64.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov, Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova. 2001. On the possibility of using
of the multicolor photometry data for estimation of the redshift
of distant radio galaxies and ages of stellar systems of their
parent galaxies: the GISSEL'98 model. Preprint No 135 SPb
(in Russian).
St.Petersburg branch of SAO. P.3-62.
- Lipovka N.M. Lipovka A.A., Chavira E., Verkhodanov O.V. 2000.
Catalogue of bright galaxies in the A569 cluster vicinity.
Preprint No 132 SPb (in Russian).
St.Petersburg branch of SAO. P.1-17.
- Kononov V.K., Pavlov S.V., Mingaliev M.G., Verkhodanov O.V. 1999.
Archive of observational data base of the broad-band radiometers
at the RATAN-600 radio telescope. The current status.
Preprint No 131T. Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS.
Nizhnij Arkhyz. P.1-29.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V. 1999. On the possibility of using of the
multicolour photometry data for estimation of the redshift of
distant radio galaxies and ages of stellar systems of their parent
galaxies. Supplement to Prep. 129 SPb.
Preprint No 131 SPb (in Russian).
St.Petersburg branch of SAO. P.1-63.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, O.Cardona, N.M.Lipovka, A.A.Lipovka, E.Chavira.
Investigation of sky field with the abundance of the blue galaxies.
Preprint No 130 SPb (in Russian).
St.Petersburg branch of SAO. P.1-13.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V. 1999. On the possibility of using of the
multicolour photometry data for estimation of the redshift of
distant radio galaxies and ages of stellar systems of their parent
galaxies. Preprint No 129 SPb (in Russian).
St.Petersburg branch of SAO. P.1-39.
- Kononov V.K., Pavlov S.V., Mingaliev M.G., Verkhodanov O.V. 1998.
Reorganization of archive of wide band radiometers observational
data at the RATAN-600 radio telescope.
Preprint No 128T. Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS.
Nizhnij Arkhyz. P.1-12.
- Botashev A.M., Cardona O., Chavira E., Lipovka N.M.,
Lipovka A.A., Mingaliev M.G., Verkhodanov O.V. 1997.
Investigation of A1185 cluster and its vicinity.
Preprint No 126 SPb (in Russian). St.Petersburg branch of SAO.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V., Kopylov A.I.,
Verkhodanov O.V. 1997. The radio selection problems of high
redshifted galaxies in the Universe (Present status, 1996).
Preprint No 121 SPb (in Russian). St.Petersburg branch of SAO.
- Goss W.M., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Kopylov A.I.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Naugolnaya M.N., Verkhodanov O.V.
The third sample of the RC-catalog radio sources with steep
spectra: VLA observations and optical identifications.
Preprint No 110 SPb. St.Peterburg SAO branch. 1995. C.1-66.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A. Active database of astrophysical
catalogs at RATAN-600. Preprint No 106 SAO RAS. P.66-74.
Nizhnij Arkhys. 1995.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Chernenkov V.N., Shergin V.S. Basic principles
of flexible astronomical data processing system - II.
Visualization. Preprint No 106 SAO RAS. P.58-65. Nizhnij Arkhys.
- Verkhodanov O.V. Interactive preliminary graphical data
processing for one-dimensional vectors in X-window under
OS UNIX at the RATAN-600. The program fgr - version 2.1.
Preprint No 106 SAO RAS. P.1-57. Nizhnij Arkhys. 1995.
- A.I.Kopylov, M.W.Goss, Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva, O.P.Zhelenkova,
A.V.Temirova, Val.V.Vitkovskij, M.N.Naugolnaja, O.V.Verkhodanov.
Optical identification of radio sources of the steep spectra
sample from the RC-catalog. Preliminary results.
Preprint SAO RAS. St.Petersburg branch. 1994. No 104 SPb. P.1-60.
- Vitkovskij V.V., Gorokhov V.L., Verkhodanov O.V. 1993. Main
principles of reliable detection of radio sources. Preprint SAO
RAS No 99 (in Russian). P.1-6.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Verkhodanov O.V., Bajkova A.T., Gol'nev A.Ya.,
Esepkina N.A., Zverev Yu.N., Majorova E.K., Mingaliev M.G.,
Opeikina L.V., Pinchuk G.A., Stotskij A.A., Temirova A.V.,
Fridman P.A. Radio telescope RATAN-600 in the "Zenith" regime.
Preprint SAO RAS. St.Petersburg branch (in Russian). 1993.
No 95SPb. P.1-63.
- O.V.Verkhodanov. Tracing on the RATAN-600 observation cabin
of the VI type. Preprint SAO RAS No 91SPb. St.Petersburg
branch. 1993. P.1-14.
- Yu.N.Parijskij, O.V.Verkhodanov. Imitation of RATAN-600 work
as antenna array. Preprint SAO RAS No 90SPb. St.Petersburg
branch. 1993. P.1-22.
- V.L.Gorokhov, O.V.Verkhodanov. Extreme-median detector of the
faint radio sources with the indefinite form in a sample of
synchronous scans. Preprint SAO RAS No 89SPb. St.Petersburg
branch. 1993. P.1-17.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, Vl.V.Vitkovskij, B.L.Erukhimov, O.P.Zhelenkova,
O.P.Likhvan, M.L.Monosov, V.N.Chernenkov, V.S.Shergin. The format
of data in the registration and data processing system of the
1-st observation cabin of the radiotelescope RATAN-600.
Preprint SAO RAS No 89SPb (in Russian).
St.Petersburg branch. 1993. p.18-30.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, B.L.Erukhimov, M.L.Monosov, V.N.Chernenkov,
V.S.Shergin. FADPS: flexible astronomical data processing
system at RATAN-600 in UNIX environment. Preprint SAO RAS No 87.
1992. P.1-38.
- O.V.Verkhodanov. The software for the calculation of radio
sources instantaneous spectra at the RATAN-600 radio telescope.
Preprint SAO RAS No 75 (Russian). p.1-102. 1992.
- Zaporozhets A.A., Verkhodanov O.V.
Radio sources in a random sky area.
In "XXXVI Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
24-26 April, 2019 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2019), p.4-5.
- Pushkarev V.V., Majorova E.K., Verkhodanov O.V.
On the spectral properties of mm-balckground signal peaks.
In "XXXVI Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
24-26 April, 2019 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2019), p.5-6.
- Oronovskaya A.D., Verkhodanov O.V., Shorin D.A.,Bazrov S.A.,
Topchieva A.P.
Network learning for searching of Zeldovich-Sunyaev objects.
In "XXXVI Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
24-26 April, 2019 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2019), p.37.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, D.D.Kozlova, Yu.V.Sotnikova.
Average continuum radio spectra of distant radio galaxies at different
cosmological epochs.
In "XXXV Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
24-27 April, 2018 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2018), p.12.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, O.S.Ulakhovich, D.I.Solovyov, N.V.Verkhodanova,
Selection of galaxy cluster candidates with Zeldovich-Sunyaev effect
by the radio surveys data and Planck mission maps.
In "XXXIV Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
18-21 April, 2017 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2017), p.28-29.
- D.I. Solovyov, O.V.Verkhodanov,
Modeling of radio galaxy distribution on a sphere.
In "XXXIII Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy. Tasks for scientific program of the observatory
Millimetron", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
19-22 April, 2016 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2016), p.8.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, D.I.Solovyov, O.S.Ulakhovich, M.L.Khabibullina,
Radio galaxies of diffent populations in the microvawe wavelenth range
by the Planck data.
In "XXXIII Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy. Tasks for scientific program of the observatory
Millimetron", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
19-22 April, 2016 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2016), p.39.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, O.S.Ulakhovich.
Search of features on Planck mission maps in the low frequency soureces.
In "XXXII Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
20-23 April, 2015 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2015), p.17.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, E.K.Majorova, O.P.Zhelenkova, M.L.Khabibullina,
D.I.Solovyov, Yu.N.Parijskij.
In "XXXII Russian conference 'Modern problems of
extragalactic astronomy", Program and abstracts (in Russian),
20-23 April, 2015 (PRAO, ASC FIAN, Puschino, 2015), p.33.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, 2013.
Comparison of low harmonics of the WMAP and Planck missions.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.44.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, A.G.Doroshkevich, M.L. Khabibullina. 2013.
To possibility of the "bulk flow" detection by CMB data.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.45.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, E.K..Majorova, D.I.Solovyov, O.P.Zhelenkova,
A.V.Temirova, Yu.N.Parijskij. 2013.
Identificiation of steep spectrum RC-sources on Planck cosmic mission maps.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.45.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, Ya.V. Naiden, T.V.Keshelava. 2013.
To investigation of CMB low harmonics correlations.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.45.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, Ya.V.Naiden, V.N.Chernenkov, O.V. Verkhodanov.
Data base of extended emission maps on an entire sphere.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.46.
- Ya.V.Naiden, O.V. Verkhodanov. 2013.
Correlation of cosmic microwave background and 2MRS and SDSS catalogs
at different z.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.194.
- Ya.V.Naiden, O.V. Verkhodanov. 2013. Power spectrum of
one-dimensional CMB cross-sections in different cosmological models.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.195.
- Ya.V.Naiden, O.V. Verkhodanov. 2013.
Search for statistical anisotropy of CMB map by angular power spectrum.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.195.
- Yu.N.Parijskij, P.Thomasson, A.I.Kopylov, O.P.Zhelenkova,
T.W.B. Muxlow,
R. Beswick, N.S.Soboleva, A.V.Temirova, O.V. Verkhodanov. 2013.
Observation of RC J0311+0507 radio galaxy having z=4.514.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.208.
- I.V.Sokolov, A.S.Moskvitin, E.Sonbas, O.V.Verkhodanov, O.P.Zhelenkova.
Cluster of galaxies in a field of the gamma-burst GRB 021004.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.239.
- D.I.Solovyov, O.V. Verkhodanov. 2013.
Radio and optical identification of giant radio galaxies from NVSS.
In Book of Abstracts (in Russian), Russian Astron. Conf. (VAK-2013),
"Many faces Universe", "Monomaks", St.Petersburg, 23-27 Sept., 2013, p.242.
- Yu.N.Parijsky, A.I. Kopylov, A.V. Temirova, N.S. Soboleva,
O.P. Zhelenkova, O.V. Verkhodanov, W.M. Goss, T.A. Fathullin.
Spectroscopy of "Big Trio" Objects Using the "Scorpio" Spectrograph
of the 6-m Telescope of the Special Astrophysical observatory,
XI Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio Astronomy, October 18 - 22, 2010,
Book of Abstracts, Ò.12, Pushchino radio astronomy observatory.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, M.L.Khabibullina, Ya.V.Naiden, A.G.Dororshkevich.
2010. On peculiar directions on WMAP maps.
In Abstract book Conf. "From the time of Galileo Galilei to our days",
Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.114.
- M.L.Khabibullina, O.V.Verkhodanov, E.K.Maiorova. 2010.
New correlation method of investigation of CMB ,aps.
In Abstract book Conf. "From the time of Galileo Galilei to our days",
Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.135.
- D.I.Solovyov, O.V.Verkhodanov. 2010.
Counts of extragalactic objects in the Cold Spot area on CMB maps.
In Abstract book Conf. "From the time of Galileo Galilei to our
days", Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.134.
- M.L.Khabibullina, O.V.Verkhodanov, M.Singh, A.Pirya, S.Nandi,
N.V.Verkhodanova. 2010. Radio spectra of giant radio galaxies by the
RATAN-600 data. In Abstract book Conf. "From the time Galileo Galilei
to our days", Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.136.
- M.L.Khabibullina, O.V.Verkhodanov. 2010.
Catalog of radio galaxies with z>0.3.
In Abstract book Conf. "From the time Galileo Galilei to our days",
Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.135.
- Ya.V.Naiden, V.S.Berkutov, O.V.Verkhodanov. 2010.
The search for axial symmteries in the WMAP ILC data.
In Abstract book Conf. "From the time Galileo Galilei to our days",
Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.132.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Tomasson P., Maxlow T., Zhelenkova O.P., Kopylov A.I.,
Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V., Verkhodanov O.V. 2010. New EVN-data
of RCJ0311+0507 being the mst powerful radio galaxy of early Universe.
In Abstract book Conf. "From the time Galileo Galilei to our days",
Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.116.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Kopylov A.I., Temirova A.V., Soboleva N.S.,
Zhelenkova O.P., Verkhodanov O.V., Goss Y.M., Fatkhullin T.A. 2010.
Spectroscopy study results for objects of the "Big Trio" project
using the "SCORPIO" spectrograph of the SAO 6-m telescope.
In Abstract book Conf. "From the time Galileo Galilei to our days",
Nizhnij Arkhyz, 12-19 Sept., p.132.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Doroshkevich A.G., Christensen P.R., Naselsky P.D.,
Novikov I.D., Novikov D.I., Turchaninov V.I. 2009.
The new release of the GLESP 2.0 package for CMB analysis on a sphere.
XXVI conf. "Actual problems of extragalactic astronomy", Puschino,
21-23 April, PRAO AstroSpace Center Phys. Lebedev Inst.
Program and abstracts, P.18-19
- Verkhodanov O.V., Khabibullina M.L., Majorova E.K., Parijskij Yu.N.
Mosaic correlation mapping of the radiation on a sphere.
XXVI conf. "Actual problems of extragalactic astronomy", Puschino,
21-23 April, PRAO AstroSpace Center Phys. Lebedev Inst.
Program and abstracts, P.19
- Verkhodanov O.V., Khabibullina M.L., Doroshkevich A.G., Naselsky P.D.
2009. On accentuation of the ecliptic coordinate system in the WMAP data.
XXVI conf. "Actual problems of extragalactic astronomy", Puschino,
21-23 April, PRAO AstroSpace Center Phys. Lebedev Inst.
Program and abstracts, P.19-20
- Naiden Ya., Berkutov V., Verkhodanov O.V. 2009.
Antisymmetric zones in the CMB maps.
XXVI conf. "Actual problems of extragalactic astronomy", Puschino,
21-23 April, PRAO AstroSpace Center Phys. Lebedev Inst.
Program and abstracts, P.20
- Soloviev D., Verkhodanov O.V. 2009. Statistcs of the extragalactic
objects in the area of the Cold Spot in the CMB maps.
XXVI conf. "Actual problems of extragalactic astronomy", Puschino,
21-23 April, PRAO AstroSpace Center Phys. Lebedev Inst.
Program and abstracts, P.20
- Khabibullina M.L., Verkhodanov O.V. 2009.
Catalog of radio galaxies with z>0.3.
XXVI conf. "Actual problems of extragalactic astronomy", Puschino,
21-23 April, PRAO AstroSpace Center Phys. Lebedev Inst.
Program and abstracts, P.20
- Verkhodanov O.V., Naselsky P.D., Chiang L.-Y., Doroshkevich A.G.,
Novikov I.D. 2006. Phase analysis in study of Cosmic Microwave
Background. IX Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio Astronomy,
"Multi-wavelength investigations of solar and stellar activity and
active galactic nuclei", Book of abstracts,
Special astrophysical observatory, Nizhnij Arkhyz, Russia, p.37.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Kopylov A.I., Chernenkov V.N.,
Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V., Kononov V.K. 2006.
Open Web-resources of SAO RAS for extragalactic research.
IX Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio Astronomy,
"Multi-wavelength investigations of solar and stellar activity and
active galactic nuclei", Book of abstracts,
Special astrophysical observatory, Nizhnij Arkhyz, Russia, p.36-37.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A.m Andernach H., Chernenkov V.N.
The CATS data base as a system to operate with large catalogues data.
The Virtual Observatory in Action: New Science, New Technology, and
Next Generation Facilities, 26th meeting of the IAU, Special Session 3,
17-18, 21-22 August, 2006 in Prague, SPS3, #67
- Kopylov, A. I.; Parijskij, Yu. N.; Soboleva, N. S.; Temirova, A. V.;
Verkhodanov, O. V.; Goss, W. M.; Zhelenkova, O. P. 2006.
RC J0311+0507: A Candidate for Superpowerful Radio Galaxies in
the Early Universe at Redshift z = 4.514.
Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time, International Astronomical
Union. Symposium no. 235, held 14-17 August, 2006 in Prague,
S235, #387
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Trushkin S.A. Chernenkov V.N.,
Verkhodanova N.V., Kononov V.K., Gubanov A.G., Zhelenkova O.P. 2004.
On the ways of informational systems advance in the extragalactic
Proc. Sternberg Astron. Instit., V.LXXV.
Abstr. of All Russian Astron. Conf. VAC-2004
"Horizon of Universe" (in Russian), MSU, ISSN 0371-6769. P.15-16.
- Kopylov A.I., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V.,
Verkhodanov O.V. 2004.
Selection of distant objects of RC catalog by their radio properties.
Proc. Sternberg Astron. Instit., V.LXXV.
Abstr. of All Russian Astron. Conf. VAC-2004
"Horizons of Universe" (in Russian), MSU, ISSN 0371-6769. P.35.
- Verkhodanova N.V., Verkhodanov O.V., Prugniel Ph. 2004.
Radio idetification of PGC objects.
Proc. Sternberg Astron. Instit., V.LXXV.
Abstr. of All Russian Astron. Conf. VAC-2004
"Horizons of Universe" (in Russian), MSU, ISSN 0371-6769. P.115.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Doroshkevich A.G., Naselsky P.D., Novikov D.I.,
Turchaninov V.I., Novikov I.D., Christensen P.R. 2004.
New pixelization scheme for investigation of CMB maps.
Proc. Sternberg Astron. Instit., V.LXXV.
Abstr. of All Russian Astron. Conf. VAC-2004
"Horizons of Universe" (in Russian), MSU, ISSN 0371-6769. P.184.
- Starobinsky A.A., Parijskij Yu.N., Verkhodanov O.V. 2004.
Ages of elliptical galaxies and dynamics of the Universe expansion
in the Past.
Proc. Sternberg Astron. Instit., V.LXXV.
Abstr. of All Russian Astron. Conf. VAC-2004
"Horizons of Universe" (in Russian), MSU, ISSN 0371-6769. P.198.
- O.Verkhodanov, A.G.Doroshkevich, P.D.Naselsky, V.I.Turchaninov,
I.D.Novikov, P.R.Christensen. 2003.
A new sky pixelization scheme for CMB map analysis.
In Book of Abstracts, Danish Physical Society Annual Meeting 2003.
Hotel Nyborg Strand, June 12-13. HCOe Tryk, Kobenhavn, AA30P.
- Kononov V.K., Pavlov S.V., Mingaliev M.G., Verkhodanov O.V.,
Nizhelskaya E.K., Khubieva N.V. 2002.
Centralized Bank of observational data of the RATAN-600 radio telescope.
Abstract Book of the Russian conf. devoted to A.A.Pistolkors
``Radio telescopes RT-2002''.
9-11 Oct. 2002, Puschino. P.56
- O.V.Verkhodanov, Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva, A.I.Kopylov,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova. 2001.
Photometric study of the radio galaxy ages of RATAN-600
"Cold" sources.
Astronomische Gesellschaft. Abstract Series No. 18, 2001.
In Book of Abstracts, ed. Reinhard E.Schielicke.
Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2001 and Astronomische Gesellschaft.
held in Munich, Sept. 10-15, 2001, P.209.
- S.A.Trushkin, O.V.Verkhodanov, V.N.Chernenkov, H.Andernach. 2001.
The database CATS - a real step to virtual radio observatory.
Astronomische Gesellschaft. Abstract Series No. 18, 2001.
In Book of Abstracts, ed. Reinhard E.Schielicke.
Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2001 and Astronomische Gesellschaft.
held in Munich, Sept. 10-15, 2001, P.253.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, V.K.Kononov, S.A.Trushkin, A.I.Kopylov,
N.V.Verkhodanova, O.P.Zhelenkova, V.N.Chernenkov. 2001.
Organizing of a virtual mini observatory.
Astronomische Gesellschaft. Abstract Series No. 18, 2001.
In Book of Abstracts, ed. Reinhard E.Schielicke.
Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2001 and Astronomische Gesellschaft.
held in Munich, Sept. 10-15, 2001, P.254.
- N.V.Verkhodanova, O.V.Verkhodanov, A.I.Kopylov,
O.P.Zhelenkova, V.N.Chernenkov, Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova. 2001.
System to study evolution of radio galaxies.
Astronomische Gesellschaft. Abstract Series No. 18, 2001.
In Book of Abstracts, ed. Reinhard E.Schielicke.
Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2001 and Astronomische Gesellschaft.
held in Munich, Sept. 10-15, 2001, P.254.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, N.V.Verkhodanova, H. Andernach. 2001.
Analysis of different samples of decametric sources by 1.4 GHz VLA maps.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, pp.30-31. (In Russian)
- O.V.Verkhodanov, V.K.Kononov. 2001.
On principles of hetergeneous data description.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, p.31. (In Russian)
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Zhelenkova O.P., Verkhodanova N.V.,
Chernenkov V.N., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V. 2001.
The Russian Internet-resource for study of radio galaxies.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Peter.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, p.31. (In Russian)
- O.V.Verkhodanov, D.A.Pavlov. 2001.
Algorithm of non-point interferences removing.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, p.31. (In Russian)
- O.V.Verkhodanov, S.A.Trushkin, V.N.Chernenkov. 2001.
Supplement of the CATS database.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, p.32. (In Russian)
- O.V.Verkhodanov, S.A.Trushkin, V.K.Kononov, A.I.Kopylov,
N.V.Verkhodanova, A.G.Gubanov, V.N.Chernenkov, O.P.Zhelenkova. 2001.
Questions of virtual observatory creation.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, p.32. (In Russian)
- O.V.Verkhodanov, V.H.Chavushyan, S.A.Trushkin, Raul Mujica,
Jose Valdes. 2001.
Radio and optical observations of objects from the
IRAS and 365 MHz Texas catalog cross-list.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, p.32. (In Russian)
- V.K.Kononov, S.V.Pavlov, M.G.Mingaliev, O.V.Verkhodanov. 2001.
Bank of observational data of the radio telescope RATAN-600.
Conception and realization.
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, p.97. (In Russian)
- Yu.N.Parijskij, N.S.Soboleva, A.I.Kopylov, O.V.Verkhodanov,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova. 2001.
On the age and photometric redshifts of the parent galaxies of the RC
Russian astronomical conference. 6-12 August, 2001.
St.Petersburg, Astron. Institute St.Petersb.State Univeristy.
Reports thesis, pp.140-141. (In Russian)
- Parijskij Yu.N., Goss W.M., Kopylov A.I., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V., Verkhodanov O.V., Zhelenkova O.P.
RATAN-600-VLA-6m telescope project (modern status).
In Book of Abstracts. Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2000. 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Conference,
held in Moscow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000, P.47.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Andernach H., Verkhodanova N.V.
FIRST maps of some decametric sources.
In Book of Abstracts. Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2000. 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Conference,
held in Moscow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000, P.156.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I., Verkhodanova N.V., Zhelenkova O.P.,
Chernenkov V.N., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V.
Organization of the data base of spectral energy distributions
of radio galaxies.
In Book of Abstracts. Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2000. 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Conference,
held in Moscow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000, P.181.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A., Chernenkov V.N., Andernach H.
The largest radio astronomical data base CATS: extragalactic
In Book of Abstracts. Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'2000. 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Conference,
held in Moscow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000, P.181.
- Cardona O., Lipovka N.M., Lipovka A.A., Chavira E.,
Verkhodanov O.V.
1999. Radio and infrared activity of blue galaxies.
In "The Universe as Seen by ISO", eds. P.Cox & M.F.Kessler. ESA-SP
427, P.865. 20-23 Oct.1998, Paris, Abstract Book.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, A.I. Kopylov, Yu.N. Parijskij, N.S. Soboleva,
A.V.Temirova, O.P.Zhelenkova. "Colours" estimation of ages
of parent galaxies of distant radio sources.
In "Prospects of Astronomy and Astrophysics For the New Millennium"
(Book of Abstracts). Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'98. 7th European and 65th Annual Czech Astronomical Conference,
held in Prague, Czech Republic, 9-12 Sept., 1998, P.302.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, S.A. Trushkin, V.N. Chernenkov, H. Andernach.
The CATS database as a tool of galactic and extragalactic researches.
In "Prospects of Astronomy and Astrophysics For the New Millennium"
(Book of Abstracts). Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'98. 7th European and 65th Annual Czech Astronomical Conference,
held in Prague, Czech Republic, 9-12 Sept., 1998, P.301.
- O.V. Verkhodanov, S.A. Trushkin.
Investigation of objects of IRAS and Texas 365 MHz catalogues
In "Prospects of Astronomy and Astrophysics For the New Millennium"
(Book of Abstracts). Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'98. 7th European and 65th Annual Czech Astronomical Conference,
held in Prague, Czech Republic, 9-12 Sept., 1998, P.300.
- N.V.Verkhodanova, H. Andernach, N. Loiseau, O.V. Verkhodanov.
The properties of decametric sources: study with the CATS database.
In "Prospects of Astronomy and Astrophysics For the New Millennium"
(Book of Abstracts). Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
JENAM'98. 7th European and 65th Annual Czech Astronomical Conference,
held in Prague, Czech Republic, 9-12 Sept., 1998, P.303.
- Parijskij Yu. N., Goss W. M., Kopylov A. I., Soboleva N. S.,
Temirova A. V., Verkhodanov O. V., Zhelenkova O. P.
The Program of Distant Radio Galaxies in Special Astrophysical
Observatory of Russia.
Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, JENAM-97. 6th European
and 3rd Hellenic Astronomical Conference, held in Thessaloniki,
Greece, 2-5 July, 1997, Book of Abstracts, P.202.
- Botaschev A. M., Cardona Nunes O., Chavira Navarrete E.,
Lipovka N. M., Lipovka A. A., Mingaliev M. G., Verkhodanov O.V.
Investigation of A1185 cluster and its vicinity.
Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, JENAM-97. 6th European
and 3rd Hellenic Astronomical Conference, held in Thessaloniki,
Greece, 2-5 July, 1997, Book of Abstracts, P.183.
- Andernach H., Verkhodanov O., Verkhodanova N., Loiseau N.
1997, ``Search for AGN at low frequency: UTR source identification'',
Proc. IAU Symp.183, ``Cosmological Parameters and Evolution
of the Universe'', Aug.18-22, 1997. In the Abstract Book of the 23th
IAU General Assambly, Kyoto, Japan. P.139, S183-048P.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Kononov V.K., Tsibulev P.G., Chernenkov V.N.
The format of multifrequency continuum data recording at the
RATAN-600 registration system output.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.316-317.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, B.L.Erukhimov, M.L.Monosov, V.N.Chernenkov,
V.S.Shergin. 1995. FADPS - flexible astronomical data
processing system in OS UNIX.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.315-316.
- Verkhodanov O.V. 1995.
Interactive graphical data processing system of one-dimensional
vectors in the net graphics shell X-window at RATAN-600.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.314-315.
- Verkhodanov O.V, Trushkin S.A. 1995.
CATS - active data base of astrophysical catalogs at RATAN-600.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.252-254.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Verkhodanov O.V., Kopylov A.I.,
Zhelenkova O.P. 1995. The first attempts of the diffuse optical
emission search along the axis of the double radio sources
from RC-catalog with BTA observations.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.62-63.
- Gorokhov V.L, Verkhodanov O.V. 1995.
Robust detector of the faint radio astronomical sources.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.51.
- Gorokhov V.L, Verkhodanov O.V. 1995.
On the completeness of the radio survey and the imitational
simulation of the survey process.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.50.
- Goss V.M., Kopylov A.I., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Naugolnaya M.N.,
Verkhodanov O.V. 1995. Explorations of early Universe
objects with RATAN-600. In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian)
of the 26th radio astronomical conference. St.Petersburg.
IAA RAS. P.49-50.
- Goss V.M., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Kopylov A.I.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Naugolnaya M.N.,
Verkhodanov O.V. 1995. The third sample of RC-catalog
steep spectrum radio sources: VLA observations and
optical identifications. In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian)
of the 26th radio astronomical conference. St.Petersburg.
IAA RAS. P.48.
- Kopylov A.I., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V.,
Zhelenkova O.P., Verkhodanov O.V. 1995. The program of
the identification of the distant radio galaxies
RATAN-VLA-BTA: the first results of the multicolor photometry.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 26th radio
astronomical conference. St.Petersburg. IAA RAS. P.36-37.
- Goss V.M., Parijskij Yu.N., Soboleva N.S., Kopylov A.I.,
Temirova A.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Naugolnaya M.N., Verkhodanov O.V.
1995. Optical identification of the RC catalog objects with
VLA images by the increased prints of the Palomar Sky Survey
with the accuracy less than 1 arc sec. In Proc. (Reports' theses
in Russian) of the 26th radio astronomical conference.
St.Petersburg. Insitute of Applied Astronomy (IAA) RAS. P.31.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A. Active astrophysical data base
of catalogs at RATAN-600. In: Seminar of
Russian Foundation of Fundamental Researchs "Data bases and
informational systems in radio astronomy". Reports abstracts.
(in Russian). Puschino. 1995. P.3.
- Verkhodanov O.V. RZ-sources: additional list for further study
at the RATAN-600. Probable far objects. In Jubilee Gamow Seminar
Book of Abstracts. 1994. A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute
of RAS. St.Petersburg. P.56.
- Parijskij Yu. N., Verkhodanov O.V. Spectra and optical
identifications of the Zenith radio survey sources.
In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 25th Radio
astronomical conference. P.24, Puschino, Russia, 1993.
- Parijskij Yu.N., Verkhodanov O.V., Pinchuk O.V., Zhekanis G.V.
Some possible prospects of the RATAN-600 operation in the
"Zenith" mode. In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of
the 25th Radio astronomical conference.
P.175, Puschino, Russia, 1993.
- O.V.Verkhodanov. The software for the instantaneous spectra of
radio sources calculation at RATAN-600. In Proc. (Reports' theses
in Russian) of the 23d All Union radio astronomical conference
"Galactic and extragalactic radio astronomy". P.53, Ashkhabad,
USSR, 1991.
- M.G.Mingaliev, O.V.Verkhodanov, A.R. Khabrakhmanov, A.V.
Temirova, V.Ya.Golnev. A Zenith survey of 1988 with RATAN-600
at 8.0 cm. In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of the 23d All
Union radio astronomical conference "Galactic and extragalactic
radio astronomy". P.30, Ashkhabad, USSR, 1991.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.V.Chepurnov. Dark matter, new limits on the
anisotropy at 7.6 cm, and the discovery of the small scale
anisotropy at 2.7 cm. XXIVth Young European Radio Astronomers
Conference. The XXIV YERAC book, p.31. Sweden, Goteborg, 1991.
- O.Verkhodanov, A.Khabrakhmanov. The near zenith survey at 3.75
GHz. XXIIIth Young European Radio Astronomers Conference. The
XXIII YERAC book, p.27. Spain, Guadalojara, 1990.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, V.B.Khajkin. Results of radio images and
RATAN-600 parameters simulation in the comparison with the
experiment. In Proc. (Reports' theses in Russian) of
the 22nd All Union conference "Radio telescopes
and interferometers". P.169. Erevan. 1990.
- Yu.N.Parijskij, N.N.Bursov, O.V.Verkhodanov, N.M.Lipovka, M.N.
Naugolnaya, T.B.Pyatunina, N.S.Soboleva, A.V.Temirova. Radio
sources of deep survey: a catalog of separate survey regions,
accurated positions, fluxes, spectra, identifications, nature.
The 19th All Union radio astronomical conference "Galactic and
extragalaxtic radio astronomy". Reports' theses (in Russian). P.5,
Tallin, 1987.
- Chernenkov V.N., Verkhodanov O.V., Vitkovskij V.V.,
Malkova G.A., Mingaliev M.G., Plyaskina T.A., Trushkin S.A.,
Tsibulyov P.G. 1995. MCOSS-U - the mobile multiuser system
of the observations support at the continuum radiometers
of the radio telescope RATAN-600. Report No 251. SAO RAS.
P.10-23. 1995. Library SAO.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Chernenkov V.N., Kononov V.K., Trushkin S.A.,
Tsibulyov P.G. Description of format for recording multifrequency
data from wide band recievers of the 1st observation cabin of
RATAN-600. Report No 242. SAO RAS. P.1-30. 1995. Library SAO.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, V.K.Kononov, E.K.Majorova, P.G.Tsibulyov.
Creation of data recording format RATAN-FLEX.
Report No 233. SAO RAS. P.1-17. 1994. Library SAO.
- Verkhodanov O.V. Programming on the PostScript language.
Library PSCPLOT. Report No 232. SAO RAS. P.1-13. 1994.
Library SAO.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Trushkin S.A. Operation of database of catalogs
at RATAN-600: organization, software, descriptions. Version 1.0.
Report No 228. SAO RAS. P.1-52. 1994. Library SAO.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Cherepakhin A.P. Data base of plotters
PLOTCAP and library of functions to operate with it.
Report No 217. SAO RAS. P.1-13. 1993.
Library SAO.
- Verkhodanov O.V. Programming in the X-window system of UNIX:
library XPLOT. Report No 216. SAO RAS. P.1-45. 1993.
Library SAO.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, B.L.Erukhimov, M.L.Monosov, V.N.Chernenkov,
V.S.Shergin. Commands of data processing system of the first
observation cabin of RATAN-600 in XENIX system. Descriptions.
Report of SAO RAS No 205. P.1-177. 1992. Library SAO.
- O.V.Verkhodanov. Library BLANK in C language for the screen
dialogue in the graphic mode of the terminal's operation in OS
XENIX. Report of SAO USSR AS No 203. P.1-36. 1991. Library SAO.
- O.V.Verkhodanov. Library of the language C functions in the
PLOT standard of operating system UNIX for work with graphics
devices, based on the CGI library of the XENIX system.
Additions to the PLOT standard. Procedures for the output of
profiles and coordinate axes. The program plotting files
recorded in the PLOT standard. Report of SAO USSR AS No 201.
p.1-48. 1991. Library SAO.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, B.L.Erukhimov, O.P.Zhelenkova, O.P.Likhvan,
M.L.Monosov, V.N.Chernenkov, B.C.Shergin. F-format of data
recording: library of C-functions for working with F-format,
reformating program, examples. Report of SAO USSR AS No 200.
P.1-33, 1991. Library SAO.
- K.D.Aliakberov, N.N.Bursov, O.V.Verkhodanov, N.E.Golneva, B.L.
Erukhimov, G.V.Efanova, Yu.K.Zverev, N.M.Lipovka, G.A.Malkova,
M.G.Mingaliev, M.L.Monosov, M.N.Naugolnaya, T.B.Pyatunina,
N.S.Soboleva, A.V.Temirova, V.N.Chernenkov. The data reduction
of 29 Texas survey radiosources observations carried out under
the unmovable secondary mirror of the RATAN-600 North sector
in the December of 1986 and January of 1987. Exploring of the
accuracy of faint objects coordinates definition. Report
No 1/87 (in Russian). SAO USSR AS. P. 1-108. 1987. Library SAO.
- Verkhodanov O.V.
Are there any problems with concordance expansion rate of the Universe?
Troitsky Variant - Nauka, No 11(280), p.4-5, 04/06/2019 (in Russian),
- Pariksij Yu.N., Verkhodanov O.V.
Sky surveys of foreground and background emission with òáôáî-600.
in "Jubilee Volume SAO RAS. 50 years", ed. Valery V. Vlasyuk (Nizhnij Arkhyz,
2018, 398p. ISSN 978-5-9500369-6-5) p.257-269 (in Russian).
- Verkhodanov O.V., Beskin G.M.
Astronomical schools for high school students.
in "Jubilee Volume SAO RAS. 50 years", ed. Valery V. Vlasyuk (Nizhnij Arkhyz,
2018, 398p. ISSN 978-5-9500369-6-5) p.300-305 (in Russian).
- O.V.Verkhodanov. Amazing reality.
Ian Stewart Book review
"Calculating the Cosmos: How Mathematics Unveils the Universe".
Troitsky Variant - Nauka, No 23(267), p.10, 20/11/2018 (in Russian),
- Verkhodanov O.V. "Steaven Hawking: great popularizer of science",
Newspaper "Academia" ("Academy"), Rostov-na-Donu, No 14(790),
14/04/2018, p.6 (in Russian).
- O.V.Verkhodanov, G.M.Beskin, K.S.Petrov, M.K.Yurik,
Astrophysical school <>.
Troitsky Variant - Nauka, No 233 p.7, 18.07.2017 (in Russian),
- O.V. Verkhodanov, Y.N. Paraijskij. RATAN-600 and radio galaxies.
Zemlya i Vselennaya (Russian popular science magazine "Earth and Universe"),
- O.V.Verkhodanov.
Mini Course 5. Problems of CMB data registration and analysis.
In "The Cosmic Microwave Background",
Eds: Julio C. Fabris, Oliver F. Piattella, Davi C. Rodrigues,
Hermano E. S. Velten, Winfried Zimdahl,
II Jose Plinio Baptista School of Cosmology,
Pedra Azul-Domingos Martins, ES - Brazil,
March 09-14, 2014, pp.187-250 (2015).
- O.V. Verkhodanov.
Anomalies of the cosmic microwave background radiation:
the intrigue remains.
(In Russian).
In "Collection of best popular articles written for
the contest, organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research",
V.18, Ed.V.A.Shahnov (Moscow, Molnet Publishing, 2015), p.20-36.
- O.V. Verkhodanov.
Cosmic microwave background - read the code of the Universe.
(In Russian).
In "Collection of best popular articles written for the
contest, organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research",
V.17, Ed. V.A.Shahnov (Moscow, Molnet Publishing, 2014), p.37-50,
- O.V.Verkhodanov.
"Planck": a new step in underestanding for the Universe (in Russian).
Zemlya i Vselennaya (Earth and Universe), No 1, p.3-21 (2014).
- O.V.Verkhodanov.
Radio galaxies tell about the Universe.
(In Russian)
In "Collection of popular science articles - the winners of grants of
Russian Foundation of Basic Researches in 2012"
Iss. 16. Physics and astronomy. (Moscow, Molnet, 2013), pp.70-83.
- O.V.Verkhodanov, A.G.Doroshkevich 2012.
Chapter 8. The sky pixelization for CMB mapping.
In book
"Advances in Machine Learning and Data Mining for Astronomy"
Eds. Michael Way, Jeffrey Scargle, Kamal Ali and Ashok Srivastava.
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, USA, ISBN: 9781439841730, pp.133-159.
- O.V. Verkhodanov. 2012.
Radiotelescopes in cosmology [in Russian].
In ``Observational and theoretical cosmology'', Summer School by
Dmitry Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation (7-th School of Modern Astrophysics,
SAO RAS, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2011) (Moscow:URSS, 2012), p.202-249.
- O.V. Verkhodanov. 2012.
Cosmology with radio galaxies [in Russian].
In ``Observational and theoretical cosmology'', Summer School by
Dmitry Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation (7-th School of Modern Astrophysics,
SAO RAS, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2011) (Moscow:URSS, 2012), p.250-292.
- O.V. Verkhodanov. 2012.
Cosmic microwave background: how to measure cosmological parameters
[in Russian].
In ``Observational and theoretical cosmology'', Summer School by
Dmitry Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation (7-th School of Modern Astrophysics,
SAO RAS, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2011) (Moscow:URSS, 2012), p.293-326.
- O.V. Verkhodanov. 2012.
Non-Gaussianity of cosmic microwave backgorund: new physics and old
problems [in Russian].
In ``Observational and theoretical cosmology'', Summer School by
Dmitry Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation (7-th School of Modern Astrophysics,
SAO RAS, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2011) (Moscow:URSS, 2012), p.327-368.
- O.V. Verkhodanov. 2012.
Preparation of the CMB angular power spectrum. Practicum 1 [in Russian].
In ``Observational and theoretical cosmology'', Summer School by
Dmitry Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation (7-th School of Modern Astrophysics,
SAO RAS, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2011) (Moscow:URSS, 2012), p.369-380.
- O.V. Verkhodanov. 2012.
Selection of distant radio galaxies candidates. Practicum 2 [in Russian].
In ``Observational and theoretical cosmology'', Summer School by
Dmitry Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation (7-th School of Modern Astrophysics,
SAO RAS, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2011) (Moscow:URSS, 2012), p.381-392.
- O.V. Verkhodanov. 2012.
On the threshold of the precision cosmology era [in Russian].
In "Almanac 2010", Dmitry Zimin "Dynasty" Foundation , Moscow, p.129-131.
- Verkhodanov O.V., Parijskij Yu.N. 2009.
Radio galaxies and
ISBN 978-5-9221-1135-5. 304pages (in Russian).
- Verkhodanov O.V. 2005.
Methods and results of observational radio cosmology.
Thesis of doctor of sciences dissertation
in Russian).
SAO RAS. Niznij Arkhyz. P.1-35.
- Verkhodanov O.V. 2005.
Methods and results of observational radio cosmology.
Doctor of sceinces
(in Russian).
Special Astrophysical observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Nizhnij Arkhyz and AstroSpace Center of Lebedev Physical Institute,
Moscow. P.1-323.
- Verkhodanov O.V. 2004.
Methods of data analysis in the observational radio cosmology.
Thesis of doctor of sciences dissertation (Review, in Russian).
SAO RAS. Niznij Arkhyz. P.1-38.
- P.D.Naselsky, O.V.Verkhodanov, P.R.Christensen, L.-Y.Chiang.
Beam reconstruction using planet transit.
The Planck Newsletter 8. Issue 5. ESA. November 2003.
- Verkhodanov O.V. Methods of investigation radio sources
in the near zenith synthesis regime at the RATAN-600.
Thesis of candidate (PhD thesis review) dissertation (in Russian).
SAO RAS. Niznij Arkhys. 1993. P.1-17.
- Verkhodanov O.V. Methods of investigation radio sources
in the near zenith synthesis mode at the RATAN-600.
Candidate dissertation (PhD thesis) (in Russian). SAO RAS.
Niznij Arkhys. 1993. P.1-192.
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(Oleg Verkhodanov)